ÁLvaro Choi

Effects of Grade Retention Policies: A Literature Review of Empirical Studies Applying Causal Inference

The identification of the causal effects of grade retention policies is of enormous relevance for researchers and policymakers alike. Taking advantage of the availability of more detailed longitudinal datasets, researchers have been able to apply different identification strategies that address the classical problems of selection bias and unobserved heterogeneity that have plagued previous studies on the effect of retention. We present a systematic literature review of empirical studies aiming to unveil the causal effects of retention. This study underlines the need to consider and evaluate different kinds of grade retention polices as their effects vary depending on several dimensions (suc…

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Impacto de la introducción de un sistema de autoevaluación en línea en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos de Derecho en la asignatura de Economía

En este artículo se analiza una experiencia pedagógica en la asignatura de Economía, correspondiente al grado de Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona, en el curso 2010/2011, que consistió en una metodología voluntaria de autoevaluación on-line. Los objetivos eran incrementar el conocimiento de la asignatura y el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. Entre otros resultados obtenidos, destaca la existencia de una relación positiva entre la participación en las actividades autoevaluativas propuestas y los resultados académicos de los estudiantes. Asimismo, al comparar dos cursos en años consecutivos, con el mismo profesor, los alumnos que incorporaron esta nueva metodología de aprendizaje ob…

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Predictors and effects of grade repetition in Spain

Empirical evidence mostly describes the negative effects of grade repetition on academic performance. Nevertheless, the international use of this educational policy is still widespread. In this study, drawing on data for the Spanish case, we provide additional evidence on the need to consider different policies to grade repetition in order to enhance the achievement of low-performers. These alternative policies should be based on two main principles: individualized treatment and early intervention. Results have been achieved from the application of a novel methodology which allows to combine microdata from two international educational assessments.

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What a Difference a Case Makes: Teaching Economic Evaluation of Public Policies to Non-Economists

The adaptation process to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) provides an opportunity for incorporating new methodologies and making students play the main role in the learning process. In this context, a group of teachers from the University of Barcelona began in the 2012-13 academic year a new pedagogical experience, which consisted in the introduction of case-study methodology in the subject Economic Evaluation of Public Policies, taught at the Political and Administration Sciences undergraduate programme. The aims of the experience were the following: Firstly, making more attractive the subject to non-economists; secondly, developing skills such as collaborative work and critical …

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