M. I. Laakso

Energy-energy correlations in hadronic final states from Z0 decays

We have studied the energy-energy angular correlations in hadronic final states from Z0 decay using the DELPHI detector at LEP. From a comparison with Monte Carlo calculations based on the exact second order QCD matrix element and string fragmentation we find that Λ(5)/MS = 104-20 +25 (stat.)-20 +25(syst.)-00 +30(theor.) MeV, which corresponds to αs(91 GeV) = 0.106± 0.003 (stat.)±0.003(syst.)-0.000 +0.003(theor.). The theoretical error stems from different choices for the renormalization scale of αs. In the Monte Carlo simulation the scale of αs as well as the fragmentation parameters have been optimized to described reasonably well all aspects of multihadron production.

research product

Experimental study of the triple-gluon vertex

Abstract In four-jet events from e+e− →Z0 →multihadrons one can separate the three principal contributions from the triple-gluon vertex, double gluon-bremsstrahlung and the secondary quark-antiquark production, using the shape of the two-dimensional angular distributions in the generalized Nachtmann-Reiter angle θ NR ∗ and the opening angle of the secondary jets. Thus one can identify directly the contribution from the triple-gluon vertex without comparison with a specific non-QCD model. Applying this new method to events taken with the DELPHI-detector we get for the ratio of the colour factor Nc to the fermionic Casimir operator C F : N c C F = 2.55 ± 0.55 ( stat. ) ± 0.4 ( fragm. + models…

research product

Measurement of the partial width of the decay of the Z0 into charm quark pairs

A determination of the partial width Γc̄ of the Z0 boson into charm quark pairs is presented, based on a total sample of 36 900 Z0 hadronic decays measured with the DELPHI detector at the LEP collider. The production rate of cc events is derived from the inclusive analysis of charged pions coming from the decay of charmed meson D*+-→D0π+ and D*-→D̄0π- where the π± is constrained by kinematics to have a low pT with respect to the jet axis. The probability to procedure these π± from D*± decay in cc events is taken to be 0.31±0.05 as measured at √S = 10.55 GeV. The measured relative partial width Γ∞/Γh = 0.162± 0.030(stat.) ± 0.050(syst.) is in good agreement with the standard model value of 0…

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