M. Kowalczyk

Examination of the influence of transfer channels on the barrier height distribution: Scattering of 20Ne on 58Ni, 60Ni, and 61Ni at near-barrier energies

Background: It was suggested that the shape of the barrier height distribution can be determined not only by strong reaction channels (collective excitations) but also by weak channels such as transfers and/or noncollective excitations. Purpose: The study of the barrier height distributions for the 20Ne + 58,60,61Ni systems requires information on transfer cross sections at near-barrier energies. Methods: A measurement of the cross sections for various transfer channels at a backward angle (142 degrees), at a near-barrier energy was performed. Identification of products was based on time-of-flight and E-E methods. A measurement of the angular distribution of α stripping in the 20Ne + 61Ni s…

research product

Effects of weakly coupled channels on quasielastic barrier distributions

Heavy-ion collisions often produce fusion barrier distributions with structures displaying a fingerprint of couplings to highly collective excitations. Similar distributions can be obtained from large-angle quasielastic scattering, although in this case, the role of the many weak direct-reaction channels is unclear. For $^{20}\mathrm{Ne}+^{90}\mathrm{Zr}$, we have observed the barrier structures expected for the highly deformed neon projectile; however, for $^{20}\mathrm{Ne}+^{92}\mathrm{Zr}$, we find significant extra absorption into a large number of noncollective inelastic channels. This leads to smearing of the barrier distribution and a consequent reduction in the ``resolving power'' o…

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Transfer cross sections at near-barrier energy for the 24Mg + 90,92Zr systems

We have tested the hypothesis that for systems 24Mg + 90,92Zr, the shape of the barrier height distribution is not influenced by transfers processes. The experiment was performed using the ICARE detector system at the Warsaw Cyclotron. Having measured the transfer cross sections of the near-barrier collisions of 24Mg + 90,92Zr, we have found them to be roughly half of the value obtained for the 20Ne + 90,92Zr systems. From that observation, we conclude that in the 24Mg + 90,92Zr case, the leading cause of washing out the barrier distribution structure is the partial dissipation of relative kinetic energy into the non-collective excitation of the system. peerReviewed

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Fusion barrier distributions for the 20 Ne + 112,116,118 Sn systems have been extracted from quasi-elastic scattering cross sections measured at the Warsaw HIL Cyclotron. Results are compared to coupled-channels calculations performed with the CCFULL code. The overall widths of the distributions are reproduced on taking account of the low-lying collective states of the target and projectile but some puzzling discrepancies in their shapes remain to be explained.

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Shape dynamics in neutron-rich Kr isotopes: Coulomb excitation of 92Kr, 94Kr and 96Kr

We report on the study of excited states in 92,94,96Kr populated via projectile Coulomb excitation at safe energies. The radioactive ion beams at energies of 2.85 MeV/u were delivered by the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN and impinged on self-supporting 194,196Pt targets. The emitted γ -rays were detected by the Miniball detector-array. A detailed description of the experimental techniques used for extracting diagonal and transitional matrix elements and of the theoretical framework is given. The present experiment reveals the moderate evolution of the collective structure in the considered neutron-rich Kr isotopic chain, which is supported by the interacting boson model combined with the self…

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Smoothing of structure in the fusion and quasielastic barrier distributions for the ^{20}Ne + ^{208}Pb system

We present simultaneously measured barrier distributions for the 20Ne + 208Pb system derived from largeangle quasielastic scattering and fusion, in the latter case by means of the detection of fission fragments. Both distributions turned out to be smooth, in spectacular disagreement with the results of standard coupled-channels calculations. Namely, they do not posses the strong structure expected from coupled-channels calculations, even if apparently they take into account explicitly all relevant strong couplings. This points to the importance of weak channels, i.e., transfer reactions and scattering connected with noncollective excitations. peerReviewed

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Absence of structure in the $^{20,22}$Ne + $^{118}$Sn quasi-elastic barrier distribution

Abstract Motivated by the extreme deformation parameters of the projectile, we have measured quasi-elastic scattering for 20 Ne +  118 Sn. In contrast to calculations based on known collective states, the experimental barrier distribution is structureless. A comparison with the system 22 Ne +  118 Sn shows that this smoothing is unlikely to be due to nucleon- or α -transfer channels, and is more likely to be due to coupling to many other weak channels.

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Evidence for a Smooth Onset of Deformation in the Neutron-Rich Kr Isotopes

The neutron-rich nuclei Kr94,96 were studied via projectile Coulomb excitation at the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Level energies of the first excited 2 + states and their absolute E2 transition strengths to the ground state are determined and discussed in the context of the E(21+) and B(E2;21+→01+) systematics of the krypton chain. Contrary to previously published results no sudden onset of deformation is observed. This experimental result is supported by a new proton-neutron interacting boson model calculation based on the constrained Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach using the microscopic Gogny-D1M energy density functional. © 2012 American Physical Society.

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Erratum: Evidence for a Smooth Onset of Deformation in the Neutron-Rich Kr Isotopes [Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 062701 (2012)]

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Corrigendum to: “Shape dynamics in neutron-rich Kr isotopes: Coulomb excitation of 92Kr, 94Kr and 96Kr” [Nucl. Phys. A 899 (2013) 1–28]

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Relationship Between Anti-DFS70 Autoantibodies and Oxidative Stress

Background: The anti-DFS70 autoantibodies are one of the most commonly and widely described agent of unknown clinical significance, frequently detected in healthy individuals. It is not known whether the DFS70 autoantibodies are protective or pathogenic. One of the factors suspected of inducing the formation of anti-DFS70 antibodies is increased oxidative stress. We evaluated the coexistence of anti-DFS70 antibodies with selected markers of oxidative stress and investigated whether these antibodies could be considered as indirect markers of oxidative stress. Methods: The intensity of oxidative stress was measured in all samples via indices of free-radical damage to lipids and proteins such …

research product

Determination of the B(E3, 0+ → 3−)-excitation strength in octupole-correlated nuclei near A ≈224 by the means of Coulomb excitation at REX-ISOLDE

The IS475 collaboration conducted Coulomb-excitation experiments with postaccelerated radioactive 220Rn and 224Ra beams at the REX-ISOLDE facility. The beam particles (Ebeam ≈ 2.83 MeV/u) were Coulomb excited using 60Ni, 114Cd, and 120Sn scattering targets. De-excitation γ-rays were detected employing the Miniball array and scattered particles were detected in a silicon detector. Exploiting the Coulomb-excitation code GOSIA for each nucleus several matrix elements could be obtained from the measured γ-ray yields. The extracted 3−||Ê3||0+ matrix element allows for the conclusion that, while 220Rn represents an octupole vibrational system, 224Ra has already substantial octupole correlations i…

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Weak channels in backscattering of20Ne onnatNi,118Sn, and208Pb

To further our understanding of the influence of weakly coupled channels on the distribution of Coulomb barrier heights, we have measured transfer cross sections for ${}^{20}$Ne ions backscattered from ${}^{\mathrm{nat}}$Ni, ${}^{118}$Sn, and ${}^{208}$Pb targets at near-barrier energies. The $Q$ value spectrum in the case of ${}^{208}$Pb target has been determined too. The transfer channels appear to be especially important for ${}^{208}$Pb, whose double-closed-shell nature leads to a relatively low level density for noncollective inelastic excitations.

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Spectroscopy of Low-lying States in $^{140}$Sm

International audience; Electromagnetic transition strengths and spectroscopic quadrupole moments for Sm-140 were measured by means of multi-step Coulomb excitation with radioactive beam at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. A complementary experiment was performed at the Heavy Ion Laboratory in Warsaw to assign spins for non-yrast states using the angular correlation technique. Based on the new experimental data previous spin assignments need to be revised.

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Studies of pear-shaped nuclei using accelerated radioactive beams

There is strong circumstantial evidence that certain heavy, unstable atomic nuclei are ‘octupole deformed’, that is, distorted into a pear shape. This contrasts with the more prevalent rugby-ball shape of nuclei with reflection-symmetric, quadrupole deformations. The elusive octupole deformed nuclei are of importance for nuclear structure theory, and also in searches for physics beyond the standard model; any measurable electric-dipole moment (a signature of the latter) is expected to be amplified in such nuclei. Here we determine electric octupole transition strengths (a direct measure of octupole correlations) for short-lived isotopes of radon and radium. Coulomb excitation experiments we…

research product

Examination of the influence of transfer channels on the barrier height distribution: Scattering ofNe20onNi58,Ni60, andNi61at near-barrier energies

Background: It was suggested that the shape of the barrier height distribution can be determined not only by strong reaction channels (collective excitations) but also by weak channels such as transfers and/or noncollective excitations.Purpose: The study of the barrier height distributions for the $^{20}\mathrm{Ne}+\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}^{58,60,61}\mathrm{Ni}$ systems requires information on transfer cross sections at near-barrier energies.Methods: A measurement of the cross sections for various transfer channels at a backward angle (142 degrees), at a near-barrier energy was performed. Identification of products was based on time-of-flight and $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Delta}}E\text{\ens…

research product

Smoothing of structure in the fusion and quasielastic barrier distributions for the20Ne+208Pb system

We present simultaneously measured barrier distributions for the ${}^{20}$Ne $+$ ${}^{208}$Pb system derived from large-angle quasielastic scattering and fusion, in the latter case by means of the detection of fission fragments. Both distributions turned out to be smooth, in spectacular disagreement with the results of standard coupled-channels calculations. Namely, they do not posses the strong structure expected from coupled-channels calculations, even if apparently they take into account explicitly all relevant strong couplings. This points to the importance of weak channels, i.e., transfer reactions and scattering connected with noncollective excitations.

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Combined in-beam electron andγ-ray spectroscopy ofHg184,186

By exploiting the SAGE spectrometer a simultaneous measurement of conversion electrons and {gamma} rays emitted in the de-excitation of excited levels in the neutron-deficient nuclei {sup 184,186}Hg was performed. The light Hg isotopes under investigation were produced using the 4n channels of the fusion-evaporation reactions of {sup 40}Ar and {sup 148,150}Sm. The measured K- and L-conversion electron ratios confirmed the stretched E2 nature of several transitions of the yrast bands in {sup 184,186}Hg. Additional information on the E0 component of the 2{sub 2}{sup +}{yields}2{sub 1}{sup +} transition in {sup 186}Hg was obtained.

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Do nuclei go pear-shaped? Coulomb excitation of 220Rn and 224Ra at REX-ISOLDE (CERN)

Artículo escrito por muchos autores, sólo se referencian el primero, los autores que firman como Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y el grupo de colaboración en el caso de que aparezca en el artículo

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Weak channels in backscattering of ^{20}Ne on ^{nat}Ni, ^{118}Sn, and ^{208}Pb

To further our understanding of the influence of weakly coupled channels on the distribution of Coulomb barrier heights, we have measured transfer cross sections for 20Ne ions backscattered from natNi, 118Sn, and 208Pb targets at near-barrier energies. The Q value spectrum in the case of 208Pb target has been determined too. The transfer channels appear to be especially important for 208Pb, whose double-closed-shell nature leads to a relatively low level density for noncollective inelastic excitations. peerReviewed

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Lipid levels, atrial fibrillation and the impact of age:Results from the LIPIDOGRAM2015 study

Background and aims: An inverse relationship between lipid levels and atrial fibrillation (AF) has been suggested, but whether the association is upheld for all age groups remains unclear. The aim of the study was to examine associations between lipid levels and AF by age groups in a nationwide study in Poland. Methods: Multivariate Poisson regression models were used to estimate prevalence ratios (PRs) for AF by lipid levels. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), non-HDL-C and LDL-C/HDL-C ratios were grouped into quartiles. Results: Of the 13,724 participants, 5.2% (n = 708) had AF. People with…

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