S. Pitruzzella

Valutazione del microclima luminoso in ambiente scolastico tramite approccio adattivo

Questo articolo mostra i risultati di una indagine compiuta in ambiente scolastico e basata su un questionario di tipo adattivo, mirata alla valutazione del microclima luminoso e del grado di soddisfazione dello stesso da parte degli utenti. Attraverso simulazioni, sono state preventivamente individuate alcune aule all’interno della struttura scolastica, dove le condizioni potevano risultare critiche, sia per il verificarsi di fenomeni di abbagliamento, che di non rispetto dei valori consigliati dalla vigente normativa. La metodologia proposta prevede l’utilizzo di rilevamenti strumentali, di simulatori e la somministrazione di un questionario agli studenti delle aule in oggetto. Il questio…

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Certificazione energetica degli edifici basata sul metodo asset rating: Principali errori nelle procedure di calcolo

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Design of Bilateral Switched Reluctance Linear Generator to Convert Wave Energy: Case Study in Sicily

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Un modello statistico per la previsione dei livelli di concentrazione dei prodotti della combustione in ambienti domestici.

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Qualità dell'aria in ambienti scolastici: Valutazione dei livelli di concentrazione di composti organici volatili (VOC) e di materiale particolato (PM10).

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Energy savings through integration of the illumination natural and artificial, using a system of automatic dimming:Case study

The reduction of electrical energy consumption in buildings is a subject of great interest in the international scientific community. In buildings with a lot of available natural light, designed with large glazed surfaces, the artificial lighting system is often oversized and cannot be divided into segments to meet lighting demands during daylight hours. This article presents an experimental study, conducted in a university lecture hall that has a glazed surface covering the whole wall at one end, which provides a level of internal illumination that is only sufficient for the area next to the window itself, even when the outside lighting conditions are very bright. It is therefore necessary…

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Influenza di sistemi passivi sul PMV in ambienti Moderati.

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The use of transparent insulating materials in low energy consumption buildings, trough the study of thermal and optical behaviour

This article discusses the use of innovative transparent materials in residential buildings with low energetic consumption and describes a simulation of their performance during winter. The behaviour of these materials was studied both from a thermic point of view and from the point of view of the quality of daylight illumination To simulate the behaviour of these materials, we used different forecasting software to measure and, at the same time, analyse their luminosity, their thermal characteristics and the resulting energy saving. The results show a considerable saving in energy even in terms of the greater economic investment needed for the installation of these innovative surfaces. Res…

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Life Cycle Assessment nella certificazione energetica degli edifici

Il presente lavoro sviluppa il Life Cycle Assessment nella certificazione energetica degli edifici.

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Urban Waste As Resource For Sustainable Environment

The emerging model of waste disposal, develops an integrated approach based on waste reduction, selection, recycling, energy recovery and residual use of landfill. Here we discuss the fundamentals of a proper planning of waste disposal system, specially the thermal recovery, the integration and the methodological approach, either from the environmental and economic point of view. The growing demand for energy, the resulting environmental problems due to satisfy the demand for energy and the complex-economic system, necessitate the study of new technologies such as energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) obtaining as a result of decrease huge mass of solid waste to sanitary landifill and emi…

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Verifica del comportamento acustico della sala per auditorium nel padiglione industriale Ducrot a Palermo

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Solar cooling: study on the technical-economic feasibility of a plant in a hotel.

Solar air conditioning allows more energy savings than air conventional conditioning plants. Just like the thermal solar systems for heat production destined to large consumers, solar air conditioning represents a technology that turns out to be economically more favorable. Its employment for the summer air conditioning of buildings represents today an ulterior and very interesting field of application. This article shows the results of a study on the technical-economic feasibility of a solar cooling plant realized in a hotel in South Italy. Just like the air conditioning load produced by electric power, hot water produced by thermal solar plants has a periodic character which, in both case…

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Energy and Economic Comparison of different conditioning system among traditional and eco-sustainable building

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This paper shows the results of a deep research, carried out on a scholastic setting and based on a questionnaire, to evaluate the light microclimate and the satisfaction degree of the users. Through simulations, we have previously identified a number of classrooms where the conditions could be critical, both in terms of over-lightning, glare and disrespected values (suggested by the current normative). The proposed method consist in using device-made-surveys, a simulation software and questionnaires submission to users of the studied rooms. The questionnaires, based on an adaptive model, has been developed to detect subjective data (place, visus…) and other information about the setting an…

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Alternative Materials for Daylight Vision Control in a Museum Environment

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Pianificazione dell'ambiente acustico urbano: un metodo basato sul GIS

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Economic and technical feasibility of a photovoltaic system in university building

The use of renewable sources for electric power production can compensate the ever increasing energy demand in buildings. This article shows a study on the feasibility – both from the economic and technical point of view, of a photovoltaic system to be built on the premises of a university faculty. After a historical analysis on the building’s consumption – both on a yearly and monthly base, which highlights the need for an autonomous electric power production system, the difficult task of the technical optimization was undertaken with the aim of minimizing the impact or visual interference of the plant. A series of simulations allowed estimating the right compromise between producibility o…

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A Simulation of daylight levels for the determination of visual comfort in large spaces

In sizable environments, such as the collective areas of a big university building, characterised by very long corridors, large hallways and broad glazed surfaces, the daytime illumination factor is often only excellent near to the latter, due to their predominantly horizontal, rather than vertical, nature. His study, which has been carried out thanks to a simulation software, shows the results of a correlation between light contributions, come out from the wide glass surface and those of a big skylight which cross lenghtways the main part of the building. Such results have been compared with some instrumental measurements considering the shifting and getting from them important information…

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Thermo-hygrometric comfort in the lecture hall of a library: methodology and experimental evidence.

The present study verifies the thermo hygrometric comfort conditions in subjects of a university library users, evaluating the differences and peculiarities in the data collected at the measurement campaign. Particularities of the investigation is the period studied concerning the time frame of the Middle season, which is not expected to power the air conditioning systems. Based on assumptions on the thermal resistance of clothing in the spring and the metabolic type of subjects, the environmental parameters were monitored in some work position in the reading hall in the library of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Palermo. The article presents analyses of the measure…

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Simulazione del comportamento di materiali isolanti trasparenti applicati ad un caso studio

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Indice di efficenza energetica: Valutazione delle caratteristiche prestazionali per la certificazione degli edifici attraverso esperienze applicative.

Indice di efficenza energetica: Valutazione delle caratteristiche prestazionali per la certificazione degli edifici attraverso esperienze applicative.

research product

Asset rating: Disagreement between the results obtained from software for energy certification

The general practice for establishing the consumption in asset ratings of a building consists of entrusting the energy analysis of the shell of a building to calculating software. The building is the subject of an extremely complicated analysis, and there are many variables at stake, is it more correct to aim for a simplification of the problem, in the knowledge that behind every analytical formula there is the possibility of an evaluation error, or is it better to aim for calculation models that are more and more detailed in an attempt to succeed in predicting the real energy behaviour of the building ? Depending on the objective that has been set, it is a good idea to identify the tool be…

research product

Assessment of the renewable energy production in a historical building for a touristic intended use: a technical-economic feasibility study

This column deals about a study based on technical and economical feasibility of a combination of technologies and systems for energy production concerning electric, heating and cooling to install on a building in the historic centre of a Sicilian city (Italy). After a functional review and an energetic evaluation, the building will have a hotel destination. A first evaluation, made on a model set with the geometrical, thermo-physical and climatic data both of the building and the place, allowed to make a dynamic simulation to define the energetic monthly needs. The evaluation has been done considering different solutions and technologies. With the collected data we supposed a first sizing …

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