FTIR spectral analysis of PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter over the urban area of Palermo (Italy) during normal days and Saharan events
The principal sources of particulate matter in Palermo urban area are gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles, domestic heating, resuspension of soil dust and a geogenic source which includes soil erosion, marine aerosol and sporadic Saharan events. Annual average PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations result 27.8±9.8 and 21.3±5.1g/m3. The highest mass levels, 246 and 65 g/m3 respectively for PM10 and PM2.5, were observed during Saharan events. For the present study, which uses the ATR-FTIR spectroscopy to provide insights on the chemical composition of airborne particulate matter, a total of 89 filters were collected: 13 PM10 filters from a sub-urban background station, 36 PM10 and 40 PM2.5 filters …
Experimental and thermodynamic constraints on mineral equilibrium inpantelleritic magmas
Abstract Crystallization experiments on two pantellerites from Pantelleria, Italy, provide new evidence for the relationships between mineral phases in pantelleritic rocks as well as the influence of temperature and redox conditions on mineral assemblages. Experiments were performed at 1 kbar with temperature ranging between 750–900°C, and fluid saturation conditions with XH2O (=H2O/H2O+CO2) between 0 and 1. Redox conditions were fixed at, or slightly below, the FMQ buffer. Results show that at temperature of 900 °C pantelleritic magmas are well above the liquidus regardless their water content; we also observed a decrease in liquidus temperature (800°C) with increasingly reducing condition…
Low-P hydrous phase equilibria of a pantellerite melt: constraints on pre-eruptive conditions of recent felsic explosive volcanism at Pantelleria.
Origin of primitive ultra-calcic arc melts at crustal conditions — Experimental evidence on the La Sommata basalt, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands
International audience; To interpret primitive magma compositions in the Aeolian arc and contribute to a better experimental characterization of ultra-calcic arc melts, equilibrium phase relations have been determined experimentally for the La Sommata basalt (Som-1, Vulcano, Aeolian arc). Som-1 (Na2O + K2O = 4.46 wt.%, CaO = 12.97 wt.%, MgO = 8.78 wt.%, CaO/Al2O3 = 1.03) is a reference primitive ne-normative arc basalt with a strong ultra-calcic affinity. The experiments have been performed between 44 and 154 MPa, 1050 and 1150 °C and from NNO + 0.2 to NNO + 1.9. Fluid-present conditions were imposed with H2O–CO2 mixtures yielding melt H2O concentrations from 0.7 to 3.5 wt.%. Phases encount…
ATR–FTIR Spectral Analysis and Soluble Components of PM10 And PM2.5 Particulate Matter over the Urban Area of Palermo (Italy) during Normal Days and Saharan Events
Several epidemiological studies have shown a close relationship between the mass of particulate matter (PM) and its effects on human health. This study reports the identification of inorganic and organic components by attenuated total reflectance-Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) analysis in PM10 and PM2.5 filters collected from three air quality monitoring stations in the city of Palermo (Sicily, Italy) during non-Saharan dust events and Saharan events. It also provides information on the abundance and types of water-soluble species. ATR-FTIR analysis identified sulfate, ammonium, nitrate, and carbonate matter characterized by vibrational frequencies at 603, 615, 670, and …
Ascent of Stromboli yellow pumice magmas: experimental simulation at P
A Raman calibration for the quantification of SO42-groups dissolved in silicate glasses: Application to natural melt inclusions
Sulfur is an important volatile element involved in magmatic systems. Its quantification in silicate glasses relies on state-of-the-art techniques such as electronprobe microanalyses (EPMA) or X-ray absorption spectroscopy but is often complicated by the fact that S dissolved in silicate glasses can adopt several oxidation states (S6+for sulfates or S2-for sulfides). In the present work, we use micro-Raman spectroscopy on a series of silicate glasses to quantify the S content. The database is constituted by 47 silicate glasses of various compositions (natural and synthetic) with S content ranging from 1179 to 13 180 ppm. Most of the investigated glasses have been synthesized at high pressur…
Phase equilibrium constraints on pre-eruptive conditions of recent felsic explosive volcanism at Pantelleria Island, Italy.
International audience; We present experimental phase equilibria carried out on a pantelleritic bulk-rock composition with a peralkalinity index [PI = molar (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3] = 1*4, which is representative of the most energetic pumice fall eruption of the resurgent post-caldera volcanism on Pantelleria island. For the explored conditions (P = 25-150 MPa; T = 680-800°C; H2Omelt up to 6 wt %; fO2 ≤ NNO, where NNO is nickel-nickel oxide buffer) clinopyroxene is the liquidus phase followed by alkali feldspar and then quartz. The crystallization of amphibole is limited to temperatures below 700°C. Aenigmatite crystallizes near the liquidus for P ≥ 100 MPa. When clinopyroxene is the sole liquid…
Sulfur in hydrous, oxidized basaltic magmas: phase equilibria and melt solubilities.
Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of a primitive pumice from Stromboli: implications for the deep feeding system
We describe the field relations, petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of an exceptional “ golden ” pumice belonging to a tephra layer exposed on the summit area of Stromboli volcano, Italy. Pumice sample PST-9 comes from a fallout deposit older than a spatter agglutinate sequence emplaced during the twentieth century. The eruption that produced it had a size exceeding that of intermediate paroxysms but was smaller than large-scale, spatter-forming, paroxysms from the sixteenth century and 1930 A.D. Lapilli are strongly vesicular and crystal-poor, similar to other “ golden ” pumices. Modal proportions include 89 vol% glass, 8 vol% clinopyroxene, 1–2 vol% olivine and 1–…
Experimental Crystallization of a High-K Arc Basalt: the Golden Pumice, Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
International audience; The near-liquidus crystallization of a high-K basalt (PST-9 golden pumice, 49·4 wt % SiO2, 1·85 wt % K2O, 7·96 wt % MgO) from the present-day activity of Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy) has been experimentally investigated between 1050 and 1175°C, at pressures from 50 to 400 MPa, for melt H2O concentrations between 1·2 and 5·5 wt % and {Delta}NNO ranging from –0·07 to +2·32. A drop-quench device was systematically used. AuPd alloys were used as containers in most cases, resulting in an average Fe loss of 13% for the 34 charges studied. Major crystallizing phases include clinopyroxene, olivine and plagioclase. Fe–Ti oxide was encountered in a few charges. Clinopyro…
Water solubility in trachytic and pantelleritic melts: an experimental study
International audience; Solubility experiments were performed on a trachyte and a pantellerite from Pantelleria. The trachyte has SiO 2 = 65.2 wt%, Al 2 O 3 = 15.2 wt% and a peralkaline index (P.I. = molar[(Na 2 O + K 2 O)/Al 2 O 3 ]) ∼ 1 while the pantellerite has SiO 2 = 72.2 wt%, Al 2 O 3 = 11 wt% and a P.I. = 1.3. Solubility experiments were performed in the pressure range of 50-300 MPa at T = 950°C for the trachyte and 50-200 MPa at T = 850°C for the pantellerite. The water content of experimental glasses was determined by Karl Fischer titration, elemental analyser and FT-IR spectroscopy. Water content appears similar in both compositions for analogous pressure conditions, varying from…
Recent felsic explosive magmatism at Pantelleria island: an experimental study
Volatiles and trace elements content in melt inclusions from the zoned Green Tuff ignimbrite (Pantelleria, Sicily): petrological inferences
International audience; The island of Pantelleria is one of the best known localities of bimodal mafic-felsic magmatism (alkali basalt and trachyte-pantellerite). Among the felsic rocks, the coexistence in a single eruption of products of both trachyte and pantellerite compositions is limited to few occurrences, the Green Tuff (GT) ignimbrite being one of these. The GT is compositionally zoned from pantellerite (70.1 wt% SiO2, mol Na+K/Al = 1.86, 1871 ppm Zr) at the base to crystal-rich (>30 vol%) comenditic trachyte (63.4 wt% SiO2, mol Na+K/Al = 1.10, 265 ppm Zr) at the top, although the pantellertic compositions dominate the erupted volume. We present here new data on melt inclusions (MIs…
Eruptive paroxysms at Stromboli: an experimental simulation of pre-eruptive conditions of "yellow pumice"
Experimental Constraints on the Deep Magma Feeding System at StromboliVolcano, Italy
International audience; New experiments have been performed on a high-K basalt (PST-9) from Stromboli volcano, Italy, to constrain the physical conditions of golden pumice magmas at their storage level and discuss their petrogenesis. Fluid-present, H2O- and CO2-bearing, near-liquidus experiments were performed at 11508C between 100 and 400MPa and under oxidizing conditions. Glasses were analyzed by Fourier transform IR spectroscopy and their H2O and CO2 concentrations compared with those in glass inclusions.Most glass inclusions cluster near the 200MPa isobar, suggesting entrapment at a depth of ~8 km. Golden pumice magmas have viscosities of 7.9 Pa s and densities of 2.48-2.57 g/cm3. Compo…
Role of oxygen fugacity on the solubility of chlorine in peralkaline magmas.
Generation of CO2-rich melts during basalt magma ascent and degassing
International audience; To test mechanisms of basaltic ma gma degassing, continuous decompressions of volatile-bearing (2.7-3.8 wt% H2O, 600-1300 ppm CO2) Stromboli melts were performed from 250-200 to 50-25 MPa at 1180-1140°C. Ascent rates were varied from 0.25 to ~ 1.5 m/s. Glasses after decompression show a wide range of textures, from totally bubble-free to bubble-rich, the latter with bubble number densities from 104 to 106/cm3, similar to Stromboli pumices. Vesicularities range from 0 to ~ 20 vol%. Final melt H2O concentrations are homogeneous and always close to solubilities. In contrast, the rate of vesiculation controls the final melt CO2 concentration. High vesicularity charges ha…
Phase equilibria of Pantelleria trachytes (Italy): constraints on pre-eruptive conditions and on the metaluminous to peralkaline transition in silicic magmas.
Pantelleria Island is the type locality of pantellerite, an iron and alkali-rich rhyolite (P.I=molar Na2O+K2O/Al2O3 >1.05). Peralkaline rhyolites (i.e pantellerite and comendite) and trachytes usually represent the felsic end-members in continental rift systems (e.g., Pantelleria, Tibesti, Ethiopia, Afar, Kenya, Bain and Range, South Greenland) and in oceanic sland settings (Socorro Is., Easter Is., Iceland and Azores). The origin of peralkaline rhyolites in the different tectonic settings is still a matter of debate and three hypotheses have been suggested: (a) crystal fractionation of alkali-basalt in a shallow reservoir to produce a trachyte which subsequently gives rise to a pantelle…