Cettina Santagati


Heritage and technology: novel approaches to 3D documentation and communication of architectural heritage

In the past few years we have seen a drastic increasing of image-based modeling (IBM) techniques to get high quality reality-based 3D models. The low costs of these techniques as well as their attractive visual quality have lead many researchers and professionals to invest their energies and resources in several tests. The use of IMB in the field of cultural heritage is mostly exploited in applications such as documentation, digital restoration, visualization, inspection, planning, AR/VR, conservation and design. One of the strengthen of multi-view stereo techniques is the possibility to capture millions of points in a very short time and to get a 3D textured polygonal model that can be eas…

research product

Reconstructing urban scene 3D using VisualSfM

New computer vision techniques use photo dataset to rapidly build detailed 3D models. Computer- vision researchers have explored many approaches to city-scale 3D reconstruc on. Among these systems stands out VisualSfM developed by the University of Washington & Google Inc. It is a open source GUI applica on of a Structure from Mo on (SfM) so! ware that uses a feature extractor called Si! GPU and the Mul core Bundle Adjustment. In addi on it embeds the CMVS/ PMVS2 able to reconstruct dense 3D point cloud. Our goal is to demonstrate the metric accuracy of VisualSfM+CMVS/PMVS2 and that to get run it, you can use an unstructured photo dataset but the result improves if you use a structured phot…

research product

Anamorphic Projection: Analogical/Digital Algorithms

The study presents the first outcomes of a wider research dealing with the theme of “anamorphosis”, a specific technique of geometric projection of a shape on a surface. Anamorphosis represents the synthesis among geometry, art and architecture and is realized in scientific and empirical research approaches. In this study we investigated how new digital techniques allow to simplify the anamorphic applications even in case of projections on complex surfaces. After a short excursus of the most famous historical and contemporary applications, we propose some possible approaches that allow you to manage the geometry of anamorphic curves both in Descriptive Geometry field (by using interactive t…

research product

Digitisation of archival drawings

The digitisation of archives is a system to ensure their preservation and to enable the dissemination and enhancement of their heritage. This process has already been affecting libraries and archives for several years and they are increasingly making their collections available to users in digital format, in online databases or on dedicated platforms.

research product

Il Portico meridionale della Cattedrale di Palermo: sperimentazioni di rilievo attraverso l’utilizzo di tecniche Structure from Motion

Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques constitute a very fertile field of investigation within the research of the surveying sector and that of the representation of architecture. They allow us to reach higher levels of reliability and accuracy, both metric and graphical, extremely quickly and with lower costs than other methods, including the laser scanner. In this study, we report the results of some experiments carried out on the southern Portico entrance of the Cathedral of Palermo through the use of the SfM techniques later validated by comparison with the point cloud obtained from laser scanning.

research product

Using dense stereo matching techniques in survey

In recent years there has been an enormous increase in the dissemination of modelling techniques known as dense stereo matching (DSM) or image-based modelling (IBM) using free, low cost, open source software, especially applications involving the survey of cultural heritage (architecture, archaeology, and town planning). The algorithms used by these software programmes process photographic datasets and provide a 3D model of the scene in question. During complex survey and 3D restitution procedures, these techniques save time (processing) and money: these advantages Can he useful to any professional. This is why it is important to identify the real potential and limits of these software prog…

research product

Bim and architectural heritage: Towards an operational methodology for the knowledge and the management of cultural heritage

The study aims to answer the growing need for virtuously organize informational apparatuses related to Cultural Heritage. We propose a methodology that integrates multidisciplinary processes of interaction with information aimed at survey, documentation, management, knowledge and enhancement of historic artifacts. It is needed to review and update the procedure of instrumental data acquisition, standardization and structuring of the acquired data in a three-dimensional semantic model as well as the subsequent representability and accessibility of the model and the related database. If the use of Building Information Modeling has in recent years seen a consolidation in the procedures and the…

research product

Prospettiva solida: il caso della Cattedrale di Palermo

Il panorama culturale architettonico ed artistico del capoluogo siciliano, è così ricco sia in termini di qualità che di varietà, da offrire sempre nuovi spunti di ricerca, interpretazione, elaborazione e rivisitazione. In particolar modo, per quanto concerne gli elementi scultorei e pittorici in cui sono presenti esempi di prospettiva solida, come teatrini, formelle, volte con finte prospettive, quadraturismo, tromp-oeil, ed altro ancora, vi è, sul territorio, una tale quantità e varietà di applicazioni che il loro studio meriterebbe un’attenzione a parte. In seno a questa ricerca su scala Nazionale, considerate le non adeguate forze lavoro a disposizione, è in corso la catalogazione degli…

research product

Crowdsourcing Cultural Heritage: From 3D Modeling to the Engagement of Young Generations

Monitoring, digitizing and archiving museum artworks represent an important socio-cultural accomplishment and an overcoming in digital preservation today. Cultural heritage is constantly under threat of terrorist attacks and natural disaster. The high costs related to documentation task have prevented a constantly and massive survey activity. The low cost 3D image based acquisition and elaboration techniques of an object, allow to carry out a 3D photorealistic model in a short time. Therefore, a lot of museum adopted these techniques for the artworks archiving. Crowdsourcing activities can significantly speed up survey and elaboration procedures. If, on the one hand, these initiatives can h…

research product

Hand Held 3D Scanning for Cultural Heritage: Experimenting Low Cost Structure Sensor Scan

In the last years 3D scanning has become an important resource in many fields, in particular it has played a key role in study and preservation of Cultural Heritage. Moreover today, thanks to the miniaturization of electronic components, it has been possible produce a new category of 3D scanners, also known as handheld scanners. Handheld scanners combine a relatively low cost with the advantage of the portability. The aim of this chapter is two-fold: first, a survey about the most recent 3D handheld scanners is presented. As second, a study about the possibility to employ the handheld scanners in the field of Cultural Heritage is conducted. In this investigation, a doorway of the Benedictin…

research product

123D Catch: efficiency, accuracy, constraints and limitations in architectural heritage field

Today, the accurate and detailed reconstruction of geometric models of real objects has become a common process. The diffusion of Image-based 3D modeling techniques, through image-based free, low cost and open source software, have increased drastically in the past few years, especially in the sector of Cultural Heritage (Architecture, Archeology, Urban planning). Nevertheless, web based software (ARC3D, 123D Catch, Hyp3D, my3Dscanner) offer another opportunity respect the desktop systems: they use the power of cloud computing to carry out a semi-automatic data processing. In this way is overcome the considerably slowing-down of the computer of hardware-heavy approaches. Our research inves…

research product

Architectural Perspectives in the Cathedral of Palermo: Image-Based Modelling for Cultural Heritage Understanding and Enhancement

Palermo off ers a repertoire of both artistic and architectural solid perspective of great beauty and in large quantity. This paper addresses the problem of the 3D survey of these works and their related study through the use of image-based modelling (IBM) techniques. We propose, as case studies, the use of IBM techniques inside the Cathedral of Palermo. Indeed, the church houses a huge and rich sculptural repertoire, dating back to 16th century, which constitutes a valid field of IBM techniques application. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the e ffectiveness and potentiality of these techniques for geometric analysis of sculptured works. Indeed, usually the survey of these artworks …

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