J. Cambacedès

How rare arable weeds are descriptors of low farming intensification?

International audience; Recent emphasis has been placed on the rapid destruction of the planet’s biodiversity in allhabitats. Rare arable weeds, also known as segetal plants, are threatened species, mostly indecline due to intensive farming systems. However, the presence of these species is intrinsicallylinked to agroecosystems. Their survival is apparently related to low-input agronomic practices.Could these weeds therefore be good descriptors of low agricultural intensification and be goodindicators of high environmental field value? We propose to examine the relationships between thefarming systems and weed flora sampling in the same fields.

research product

Segetal plant conservation in arable fields: functional role, farmers’ perception and farming systems

International audience; Segetal plants, or “messicoles” as they are known in French, are weedy inhabitants of wheat crops (mainly winter cereals). The national list of segetal species includes 102 taxa; of which 7 are extinct, 52 threatened, 30 to be kept under close observation and 12 abundant. Data on their distribution indicates that they are mostly in decline due to intensive farming systems. As their survival is intrinsically linked to farming systems, we need to improve knowledge on their relationships with land management in order to establish a sound scientific basis for protection tools, to support and guide farmer conservation measures and to disseminate concerns for segetal biodi…

research product