Omar Di Paola
Elementi e problemi del medioplatonismo latino: Cicerone e Seneca.
Fabio Tutrone, Filosofi e animali in Roma antica, ETS, Pisa 2012, (Book Review)
Laura Candiotto, Le vie della Confutazione, Mimesis, Milano 2012, (Book Review)
Philosophical thought of the School of the Sextii
Around the first half century B.C. the first Roman school of philosophy arose, which was called School of Sextii. The known members of the School were: Quintus Sextius the Elder, founding father of the School, Sextius Niger, Quintus' son, who became scholarch of the School after his father's death, Sotion, Papirius Fabianus (both teachers of Seneca the Younger), Crassicius Pasicles, a grammarian, and Celsius Cornelius, an expert doctor. The School followed the footsteps of the Hellenistic schools, and similar to these, the pursuit of happiness was its purpose. The school of the Sextii had taken to heart that part of the philosophy called physical, characterizing itself mainly as a philosoph…