Aivars Niedritis
The Adaptation of a Web Information System: A Perspective of Organizations
We provide a different view on the problem of Web Information System (WIS) adaptation, looking from perspective of organizations that are interested in an adapted Web Information System for their needs if a unified system to support similar business processes is used. We propose an adaptation architecture for WIS. Two levels of adaptation are introduced—coarse grained adaptation for the organization level and fine grained adaptation for the user level. The architecture supports also the situation, when users can work with many instances of the system adapted for different organizations, which are integrated into one instance for a particular user.
Publication Data Integration as a Tool for Excellence-Based Research Analysis at the University of Latvia
The evaluation of research results can be carried out with different purposes aligned with strategic goals of an institution, for example, to decide upon distribution of research funding or to recruit or promote employees of an institution involved in research. Whereas quantitative measures such as number of scientific papers or number of scientific staff are commonly used for such evaluation, the strategy of the institution can be set to achieve ambitious scientific goals. Therefore, a question arises as to how more quality oriented aspects of the research outcomes should be measured. To supply an appropriate dataset for evaluation of both types of metrics, a suitable framework should be p…
Performance Measurement Framework with Formal Indicator Definitions
Definition of appropriate measures of organization’s performance should be conducted in a systematic way. In this paper the performance measurement and indicators are discussed not only from the side of management models, but also from the point of view of measurement theories to find out appropriate definitions. In our work we propose a formal specification of indicators. The principles of indicator reformulation from free form indicators to formal requirements are formulated and applied in several examples from performance measures database. The formally defined indicators could be used in the proposed performance measurement framework that covers five-step indicator lifecycle.
Architecture Enabling Adaptation of Data Integration Processes for a Research Information System
Abstract Today, many efforts have been made to implement information systems for supporting research evaluation activities. To produce a good framework for research evaluation, the selection of appropriate measures is important. Quality aspects of the systems’ implementation should also not be overlooked. Incomplete or faulty data should not be used and metric computation formulas should be discussed and valid. Correctly integrated data from different information sources provide a complete picture of the scientific activity of an institution. Knowledge from the data integration field can be adapted in research information management. In this paper, we propose a research information system f…
On Metadata Support for Integrating Evolving Heterogeneous Data Sources
With the emergence of big data technologies, the problem of structure evolution of integrated heterogeneous data sources has become extremely topical due to dynamic and diverse nature of big data. To solve the big data evolution problem, we propose an architecture that allows to store and process structured and unstructured data at different levels of detail, analyze them using OLAP capabilities and semi-automatically manage changes in requirements and data expansion. In this paper, we concentrate on the metadata essential for the operation of the proposed architecture. We propose a metadata model to describe schemata and supplementary properties of data sets extracted from sources and tran…
Query-Driven Method for Improvement of Data Warehouse Conceptual Model
We propose a query-driven method that elicits the information requirements from existing queries on data sources and their usage statistics. Our method presumes that the queries against the source database reflect the analysis needs of users. We use this method to recommend changes to the existing data warehouse schemata. In our method, we take advantage of the schema versioning approach to reflect all changes that occur in the analysed process, and we analyse the activity of users in the source system, rather than changes in physical data structure, to infer the necessary improvements to the data warehouse schema.
Adaptation of the Presentation in a Multi-tenant Web Information System
We introduced a Web Information System (WIS) adaptation architecture that is based on Software as a Service (SaaS) ideas. It includes adaptation components, which allow adaptation in two levels: the organizations and the users get their own adapted instance of the WIS. The user interface in case of multi-tenancy should be dynamically adapted according to the particular organization and user. The same application component that contains a set of fields, controls and other interface elements should be varied according to the usage context. In this paper we provide a method for adapting the user interface within the proposed adaptation architecture that uses a set of rules describing the seque…