Robin Kobus
Suffix Array Construction on Multi-GPU Systems
Suffix arrays are prevalent data structures being fundamental to a wide range of applications including bioinformatics, data compression, and information retrieval. Therefore, various algorithms for (parallel) suffix array construction both on CPUs and GPUs have been proposed over the years. Although providing significant speedup over their CPU-based counterparts, existing GPU implementations share a common disadvantage: input text sizes are limited by the scarce memory of a single GPU. In this paper, we overcome aforementioned memory limitations by exploiting multi-GPU nodes featuring fast NVLink interconnects. In order to achieve high performance for this communication-intensive task, we …
Accelerating metagenomic read classification on CUDA-enabled GPUs.
Metagenomic sequencing studies are becoming increasingly popular with prominent examples including the sequencing of human microbiomes and diverse environments. A fundamental computational problem in this context is read classification; i.e. the assignment of each read to a taxonomic label. Due to the large number of reads produced by modern high-throughput sequencing technologies and the rapidly increasing number of available reference genomes software tools for fast and accurate metagenomic read classification are urgently needed. We present cuCLARK, a read-level classifier for CUDA-enabled GPUs, based on the fast and accurate classification of metagenomic sequences using reduced k-mers (…
Nowadays, a growing number of servers and workstations feature an increasing number of GPUs. However, slow communication among GPUs can lead to poor application performance. Thus, there is a latent demand for efficient multi-GPU communication primitives on such systems. This paper focuses on the gather, scatter and all-to-all collectives, which are important operations for various algorithms including parallel sorting and distributed hashing. We present two distinct communication strategies (ring-based and flow-oriented) to generate transfer plans for their topology-aware implementation on NVLink-connected multi-GPU systems. We achieve a throughput of up to 526 GB/s for all-to-all and 148 G…
WarpCore: A Library for fast Hash Tables on GPUs
Hash tables are ubiquitous. Properties such as an amortized constant time complexity for insertion and querying as well as a compact memory layout make them versatile associative data structures with manifold applications. The rapidly growing amount of data emerging in many fields motivated the need for accelerated hash tables designed for modern parallel architectures. In this work, we exploit the fast memory interface of modern GPUs together with a parallel hashing scheme tailored to improve global memory access patterns, to design WarpCore -- a versatile library of hash table data structures. Unique device-sided operations allow for building high performance data processing pipelines ent…
MetaCache-GPU: Ultra-Fast Metagenomic Classification
The cost of DNA sequencing has dropped exponentially over the past decade, making genomic data accessible to a growing number of scientists. In bioinformatics, localization of short DNA sequences (reads) within large genomic sequences is commonly facilitated by constructing index data structures which allow for efficient querying of substrings. Recent metagenomic classification pipelines annotate reads with taxonomic labels by analyzing their $k$-mer histograms with respect to a reference genome database. CPU-based index construction is often performed in a preprocessing phase due to the relatively high cost of building irregular data structures such as hash maps. However, the rapidly growi…
FMapper: Scalable read mapper based on succinct hash index on SunWay TaihuLight
Abstract One of the most important application in bioinformatics is read mapping. With the rapidly increasing number of reads produced by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, there is a need for fast and efficient high-throughput read mappers. In this paper, we present FMapper – a highly scalable read mapper on the TaihuLight supercomputer optimized for its fourth-generation ShenWei many-core architecture (SW26010). In order to fully exploit the computational power of the SW26010, we employ dynamic scheduling of tasks, asynchronous I/O and data transfers and implement a vectorized version of the banded Myers algorithm tailored to the 256 bit vector registers of the SW26010. Our perf…
cuBool: Bit-Parallel Boolean Matrix Factorization on CUDA-Enabled Accelerators
Boolean Matrix Factorization (BMF) is a commonly used technique in the field of unsupervised data analytics. The goal is to decompose a ground truth matrix C into a product of two matrices A and $B$ being either an exact or approximate rank k factorization of C. Both exact and approximate factorization are time-consuming tasks due to their combinatorial complexity. In this paper, we introduce a massively parallel implementation of BMF - namely cuBool - in order to significantly speed up factorization of huge Boolean matrices. Our approach is based on alternately adjusting rows and columns of A and B using thousands of lightweight CUDA threads. The massively parallel manipulation of entries …
Modern high throughput sequencing platforms can produce large amounts of short read DNA data at low cost. Error correction is an important but time-consuming initial step when processing this data in order to improve the quality of downstream analyses. In this paper, we present a Scalable Parallel Error CorrecToR designed to improve the throughput of DNA error correction for Illumina reads on various parallel platforms. Our design is based on a k-spectrum approach where a Bloom filter is frequently probed as a key operation and is optimized towards AVX-512-based multi-core CPUs, Xeon Phi many-cores (both KNC and KNL), and heterogeneous compute clusters. A number of architecture-specific opt…