S. Frinak
Direct Measurement of Reoxygenation in Malignant Mammary Tumors after a Single Large Dose of Irradiation
Due to functional and morphological abnormalities of the terminal vascular bed in malignant tumors, a severe restriction of convective transport occurs even in very early growth stages. This leads to nutritional deprivation of the cancer cells and to unfavourable cellular microenvironments as well. During advanced tumor growth stages, the nutritional deprivation and the milieu conditions get worse because pronounced deterioration of diffusive transport is superimposed on the insufficient blood supply. This transport limitation is mainly caused by increases of intercapillary distances and by decreases of vascular surface areas per unit tissue volume. Moreover, these peculiarities of the tumo…
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the heterogeneous oxygen transport within malignant tumors. Many solid tumors disturbances in the vascularization and in the microcirculation generally lead to distinct restrictions in the convective and diffusive transport. Beyond that, a heterogeneous distribution of the transport conditions develops causing an insufficient and heterogeneous substrate supply as well as an inadequate drainage of wastes. As one of the compulsory manifestations, a poor and heterogeneous oxygen supply becomes more extensively evident with increasing tumor size or age. The polarographic measurements of the local tissue pO 2 values in animal tumors show that very low oxy…