Antonio Saporito

Topology Optimization Design of Internal Reinforcements in a Sailing Dinghy

AbstractIn this paper, a novel approach has been followed based on FEM simulation and Topology Optimization tools to locate and model the reinforcements inside the hull of a sailing dinghy. This process assumes that the inner volume included between the hull and the deck is, at the beginning of the simulation, filled with material; then a portion of this inner volume is eroded until a final free form shape of the reinforcements is obtained. A key point of this procedure is the definition of the optimization constrains because the final shape of the reinforcements must fulfill several requirements such as weight, stiffness and stress. At the end of the optimization procedure, the final shape…

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A New Systematic Series of Foil Sections with Parallel Sides

Parallel-sided foil sections are used for centerboards and rudders in sailing dinghy classes and also for struts placed in a fluid flow. The objective of this work is to create a systematic series of parallel-sided sections to be used under different conditions, with an emphasis on the sailing dinghies 470, 420 and Optimist. The loss, and surprisingly the gain, in performance relative to 4-digit NACA sections are also investigated. A 2D Reynolds-averaged Navier&ndash

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Sailing dinghy hydrodynamic resistance by experimental and numerical assessments

Abstract Hull forms of high-performance sailing dinghies are very interesting for yacht designers. After a long period in which the attention has been focused on one-design boats, in recent years a few exciting restricted classes such as International Moth, International 14′, 18’ Skiff and Class A catamaran become recognized in several countries and led to interesting advances in high-performance yacht design. “1001VELAcup R3” class is two people racing dinghy designed according to a box rule with limitation on LOA and Bmax and total sail area. The boats must be designed and built by students of European Universities and race yearly in Italy. This paper focuses on two best-ranked boats “LED…

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Topological optimization of a structural naval component manufactured in FDM

In this paper, a topological optimization procedure has been applied on a real component of the deck of a sailing multi-hull in order to find the internal shape that best save the material used in the manufacturing process without a relevant loss of structural rigidity. The multi-hull boat is a 16 feet length catamaran equipped with an asymmetric foil on both centerboards and with a symmetric foil on both rudders. The task of the analyzed object is to act as a cylindrical support for the screw that drives the rotation of the centerboard. The process adopted to manufacture this object is the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technique, because of its high versatility and its relative low-cost …

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Yacht performance monitoring in real sailing conditions

Abstract In this paper a multi-method approach is used to setup and validate a monitoring system applied to a small sailing boat during real sailing conditions. This monitoring system is able to transform the data coming from some typical devices installed on board into information about the deformed state of the boat. GPS, Wind Data Logger and cameras have been installed on the boat to measure its route and speed, the apparent wind velocity and direction and the positions of the crew members. These data are processed to determine the equilibrium of the boat and estimate the loads applied on it. Then, a CAD/FEM model calculates the effects of these loads on the boat shape. The resulting def…

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Parametric Hull Design with Rational Bézier Curves and Estimation of Performances

In this paper, a tool able to support the sailing yacht designer during the early stage of the design process has been developed. Cubic Rational Bézier curves have been selected to describe the main curves defining the hull of a sailing yacht. The adopted approach is based upon the definition of a set of parameters, say the length of waterline, the beam of the waterline, canoe body draft and some dimensionless coefficients according to the traditional way of the yacht designer. Some geometrical constraints imposed on the curves (e.g., continuity, endpoint angles, curvature) have been conceived aimed to avoid unreasonable shapes. These curves can be imported into any commercial Computer Aide…

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In questo lavoro di tesi sono presi in esame i metodi di progettazione integrata con riferimento al disegno nautico delle piccole imbarcazioni a vela da competizione. La progettazione di una barca a vela, in tutte le sue parti, è un processo molto complesso in quanto richiede una profonda esperienza in questo campo ed inoltre necessita di diverse competenze dal punto di vista tecnico in aree anche molto distanti tra loro. Nella vita di tutti i giorni spesso risolviamo problemi relativamente semplici e quindi troviamo la soluzione anche in modo intuitivo, in ingegneria solitamente si affrontano problemi un po’ più complessi e seguire una procedura strutturata aiuta molto per trovare soluzion…

research product

Parametric Hull Design with Rational Bézier Curves

AbstractIn this paper, a tool able to support the sailing yacht designer during the early stage of the design process has been developed. Quadratic and cubic Rational Bézier curves have been selected to describe the main curves defining the hull of a sailing yacht. The adopted approach is based upon the definition of a set of parameters, say the length of water line, the beam of the waterline, canoe body draft and some dimensionless coefficients according to the traditional way of the yacht designer. Some geometrical constraints imposed on the curves (e.g. continuity, endpoint angles) have been conceived aimed to avoid unreasonable shapes. These curves can be imported in any commercial CAD …

research product

Designing the internal reinforcements of a sailing boat using a topology optimization approach

In naval design it is common practice to define an internal regular web frame made of longitudinal elements and transversal sections with the purpose of giving stiffness to the whole structure and, at the same time, promoting lightness. In this work, FEM simulation and Topology Optimization (TO) tools are implemented to present a different approach in placing the reinforcements inside the hull of a sailing dinghy. The methodology proposed in this paper considers as a starting point the volume inside the hull and the deck completely filled with material and the result after the simulations is a free form shape of the sailboat reinforcements. The TO procedure is based on two different input F…

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