S. Kunke
Dreidimensionale Registrierung stationärer Po2-Werte im Tumorgewebe unter in vivo-Bedingungen bei Verwendung von Multi-Goldmikroelektroden
Zur Ermittlung der O2-Partialdruckverteilung im Gewebe stehen zwei Verfahren zur Verfugung. Eine erste Moglichkeit ist durch die mathematische Analyse der O2-Versorgungsbedingungen auf der Grundlage der bekannten Diffusionsgesetze gegeben. Eine zweite Moglichkeit besteht in der Anwendung der polarographischen Mikroelektrodentechnik. Eine Messung der regionalen O2-Partialdrucke im Mikrobereich ermoglichen Einstichelektroden aus Platin oder Gold mit sehr feinen Spitzen (Durchmesser: 1 bis 5 µm). Mit Einzelelektroden kann jedoch nur ein lineares Po2-Profil erfast werden, ohne das es moglich ist, Po2-Gradienten zu dem umgebenden Gewebe zu messen. Mit einer neuen Mehrfachelektrode (vgl. Erdmann …
Clinical Experiences with Clamp Electrodes in Fetal Scalp for Simultaneous pO2 and ECG — Registration
The development of a scalp electrode for continuous measurement of fetal mean tissue-PO2 and simultaneous registration of ECG respectively fetal heart rate has been described previously (1). The electrode mechanics and electronic equipment must be adapted to the various demands of the birth process and the labor room environment. The technical results are not yet refined, when unfavorable conditions prevail, artifacts may be anticipated. A brief review of the proceedings in electrode clamp measurements should be presented.
Changes of Oxygen Supply to the Tissue Following Intravenous Application of Anesthetic Drugs
The main function of the clinical anesthiologist is to make surgical treatment painless for the patient. For this purpose he uses drugs that severely interfere with the regulation of oxygen supply to the tissue. The same problem exists for the scientists working on animal experiments where he has to decide whether his experimental results were not changed by the anesthiological treatment.
A System of <m:math display='block'><m:mrow><m:mi>P</m:mi><m:msub><m:mi>a</m:mi><m:mrow><m:msub><m:mi>O</m:mi><m:mn>2</m:mn></m:msub></m:mrow></m:msub></m:mrow></m:math> $$P{a_{{O_2}}}$$ Continuously Controlled Ventilation
A newly developed system of \(P{a_{{O_2}}}\)-controlled automatic ventilation is reported on. \({P_{{O_2}}}\) microelectrodes (Beckman, IBC) are used to measure arterial \({P_{{O_2}}}\) continuously. In a feedback control system the inspiratory O2 concentration of a respirator is adjusted as long as the set point and actual value of the arterial \({P_{{O_2}}}\) correspond. The functional behavior of the feedback control system is described.
On the spectral intermediate at 440 nm formed during mixed function substrate oxidation.
Abstract The spectral shoulder formed at 440 nm in microsomes oxidising hexobarbital and other drugs has been investigated and some of its properties characterised. Hexobarbital, pentobarbital, ethylmorphine and barbital produce this shoulder, while acetanilide, aniline, desmethylimipramine, imipramine, metyrapone and SKF 525-A do not. The formation of the 440 nm shoulder depends on the presence of NADPH and oxygen and is reduced in size when NADH is also present. At saturating substrate concentrations the size of the 440 nm shoulder is correlated to the cytochrome P-450 content. The hexobarbital induced shoulder can be inhibited by drug metabolism inhibitors such as metyrapone, imipramine …