Olgierd Dumbrajs
High Cyclotron Harmonics Excitation in Multi-beam Terahertz Range Gyrotrons
The paper presents recent results on the multi-beam gyrotrons operating at cyclotron harmonics in terahertz frequency range. The theoretical and experimental investigation of second harmonic 0.78 THz gyrotron includes comparison of generating and absorbing beam schemes, research on the effect of velocity spread and mode competition process, along with development of third harmonic 1.2 THz tube based on verified numerical codes and latest experimental results.
Numerical Simulation of the Problem Arising in the Gyrotron Theory
Numerical aspects for solving of certain problem arising in gyrotron theory are discussed. Particularly, finite-difference schemes using quasistationarization and method of lines were applied and the relevant results analyzed.
Explicit near-symplectic mappings of Hamiltonian systems with Lie-generating functions
The construction of explicit near-symplectic mappings for generic Hamiltonian systems with the utilization of Lie transforms is presented. The method is mathematically rigorous and systematically extended to high order with respect to a perturbation parameter. The explicit mappings are compared to their implicit counterparts, which use mixed-variable generating functions, in terms of conservation of invariant quantities, calculation speed and accurate construction of Poincare surfaces of sections. The comparative study considers a wide range of parameters and initial conditions for which different time scales are involved due to large differences between internal and external frequencies of…
The paper explains how to solve the Gyrotron equation system in the Single Mode Time Dependent Approach. In particular, we point out problems encountered when solving these well-known equations. The starting current estimation approach a using time model is suggested. The solution has been implemented in the Matlab code, which is attached to the article.
Using of reflections for expansion of frequency tuning in a THz-band gyrotron
Effect of delayed reflection on operation of a second-harmonic THz-band gyrotron is studied. Theoretical analysis, numerical calculations and experimental observations for the 0.394 THz FU CW IIB gyrotron are presented.
Zones of soft and hard self-excitation in gyrotrons: Generalized approach
It is known that the gyrotron theory is developed in a general form that allows one to draw many important conclusions about gyrotron operation, which are valid for gyrotrons operating in arbitrary modes, at arbitrary frequencies, and driven by electron beams with different voltages and currents. One of important issues in this theory is the analysis of possible start-up scenarios, i.e., the methods allowing, first, to excite the desired mode prior to competitors in the region of soft self-excitation of this mode and, then, drive it into the zone of hard self-excitation where, as a rule, the operation with high efficiency is possible. So far, in all studies, these zones of soft and hard sel…
Design of the EU-1MW gyrotron for ITER
EU is developing a 1 MW cylindrical cavity gyrotron. In the last year the design of the components of the new gyrotron has been finalized while the technological design of the new tube has been defined. In the present paper, the main characteristics of the new EU gyrotron for ITER are presented.
Some Advantages of the Gyrotrons with Width Emitters
The main trends in gyrotron development are escalation of the radiated power and increasing the frequency of coherent radiation. For both trends it is beneficial to develop gyrotrons with wide emitters because this allows one to use cryomagnets with smaller inner bore sizes. For analyzing and optimizing the operation of gyrotrons with wide emitters it is proposed to represent such emitters as a superposition of thin rings and analyze the properties of electron beams emitted by each of these rings. The analysis of electron beam properties, for electron optical systems with different emitters is presented. The possibility to reduce velocity spread by anode profiling is discussed. The dynamics…
Multimode time-dependent gyrotron equations for different time scales
The work of H.K. was supported by the European Regional Development Funding of the Project No. 16/A/004.
GYROCOMPU: Toolbox Designed for the Analysis of Gyrotron Resonators
The key point of gyrotron design is the analysis of the radio frequency (RF) behavior in gyrotron resonators. This article proposes a comprehensive, user-friendly and effective gyrotron design toolbox (GYROCOMPU) based on the MATLAB platform. GYROCOMPU associates a relatively complete set of codes for gyrotron analysis and integrates them together into a graphical user interface (GUI). The solving algorithm of the cold cavity equations and self-consistent equations is improved. The solving method improvement in these calculation algorithms renders the analysis more efficient and accurate. Three typical examples of gyrotrons working in the 140-GHz TE03 mode, 42-GHz TE03 mode, and 140-GHz TE1…
Optimization of Gyrotron Resonator’s Dimensions
This paper explains the procedure of determining the initial dimensions of a gyrotron resonator. In particular, the paper discusses which geometrical parameters impact the wave properties of the resonator. The solution is implemented using Matlab software and estimations are performed with the use of the SMath Studio spreadsheet. © 2021 National Institute of Telecommunications. All rights reserved.
Influence of possible reflections on the operation of European ITER gyrotrons
The theory describing the influence of reflection s on operation of gyrotrons with radial output is used for evaluating the effect of reflections on the operation of the ITER 170 GHz 2 MW coaxial cavity gyrotron, which is under development, and the 170 GHz 1 MW cylindrical cavity gyrotron as a fall back solution.
Self-consistent non-stationary theory of the gyrotron
For a long time, the gyrotron theory was developed assuming that the transit time of electrons through the interaction space is much shorter than the cavity fill time. Correspondingly, it was assumed that during this transit time, the amplitude of microwave oscillations remains constant. A recent interest to such additional effects as the after-cavity interaction between electrons and the outgoing wave in the output waveguide had stimulated some studies of the beam-wave interaction processes over much longer distances than a regular part of the waveguide which serves as a cavity in gyrotrons. Correspondingly, it turned out that the gyrotron theory free from the assumption about constant amp…
Gyrotron Operation in the ‘No-Start-Current’ Zone
It is conventionally assumed that the gyrotrons can operate either in the regime of soft self-excitation, where the beam current exceeds the start current, or in the regime of hard excitation, where the beam current is lower than the start current. The authors have found one more possibility of gyrotron operation: in the region where there is no start current at all. Although it is not clear whether this region represents a special interest for gyrotron operation, it can be useful to learn that such opportunity may exist and can be used for interpreting some experimental results.
Efficiency of gyrotrons with a tapered magnetic field in the regime of soft self-excitation
As a rule, gyrotron operation with high efficiency is realized in the regime of hard self-excitation that requires a special start-up scenario: either a tuning of the external magnetic field or providing certain relations between mod-anode and beam voltages. This paper describes a study of gyrotron operation in slightly tapered external magnetic fields. It is shown how the use of tapered magnetic fields affects the maximum efficiency realizable in hard and soft excitation regimes. First, a model of gyrotron with the Gaussian axial profile of the resonator field is studied. Then, a similar treatment is done for a realistic resonator designed for a 140 GHz Karlsruhe Institute for Technology g…
Simulation and experimental investigations on dynamic after cavity interaction (ACI)
In recent years, the so called after cavity interaction (ACI) in high power gyrotrons operating in the 100–200 GHz range gained attention as an influence factor on overall efficiency. While investigations concentrated on ACI as a stationary effect until now, recent simulations show that an undesired interaction in the uptaper region can also result in additional parasitic oscillations. In this paper, such non-stationary, dynamic processes are investigated in first simulations and experiments.
Experimental verification of a self-consistent calculation for continuous frequency-tune with a 400 GHz band second harmonic gyro-BWO
A self-consistent code is introduced to develop a continuous frequency tunable gyro-BWO. A cavity is designed with TE8,5 mode for 400 GHz band second harmonic oscillation. The experimental verification has been carried out and 2 GHz tunability is observed with output powers of higher than 40 W.
Shadowing of the operating mode by sidebands in gyrotrons with diode-type electron guns
In gyrotrons operating in high-order modes, during the startup process, the shadowing of the operating mode by two sidebands may take place. By “shadowing,” we mean the situation when, during the voltage rise, one of the parasitic modes is excited first, and this excitation prevents the excitation of the desired mode. Then, the oscillations of the first parasitic mode, whose frequency is higher than the frequency of the desired operating mode, can be replaced by excitation of the second parasitic mode, whose frequency is lower than the operating one. As a result, the desired mode remains in the “shadow” of these parasitic modes and is never excited. This paper describes such effect in gyrot…
Effect of the tilt on the gyrotron operation
The effect of the tilt of the electron beam axis on the gyrotron operation is investigated. It is commonly accepted that the tilt deteriorates the efficiency of cylindrical cavity gyrotrons. Our study showed that this deterioration can be mitigated by a proper displacement of the electron beam axis at the entrance. Also, in some cases, when the aftercavity interaction lowers the gyrotron efficiency, the tilt can reduce this interaction and, therefore, slightly increase the efficiency.
Hysteresis and frequency tunability of gyrotrons
We present the first devoted experimental and theoretical study of hysteresis phenomenon in relation to frequency tunability of gyrotrons.
Study of Mode Competition in the Third Harmonic Gyrotron with Inclusion of the Electron Velocity Spread and the Beam Width
Influence of the electron velocity spread and the beam width on the mode competition and efficiency is investigated in the 1.185- THz third harmonic gyrotron to be used in dynamical nuclear polarization - nuclear magnetic resonance (DNP-NMR) spectrometer.
Stability of gyrotron operation in very high-order modes
This study was motivated by the desire to increase the power, which can be delivered by gyrotrons in long pulse and continuous regimes. Since the admissible power level is determined by the density of ohmic losses in resonator walls, to increase the radiated power a gyrotron should operate in higher order modes. Using an existing gyrotron developed for plasma experiments in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor as a base model, the stability of operation of such a gyrotron in modes with larger number of radial variations was studied. It is shown that the power level achievable in such gyrotrons in stable single mode regimes is close to 1.5 MW. The power level 1.7–1.8 MW can b…
Gyrotron interaction simulations with tapered magnetostatic field
We investigate the interaction of the electron beam with the RF wave in a gyrotron, in the presence of an axially tapered magnetic field. The simulation results of three interaction codes are compared and the different modelings are discussed.
Calculations of Starting Currents and Frequencies in Frequency-Tunable Gyrotrons
Cold cavity and self-consistent formalisms for starting current and frequency calculations in frequency-tunable gyrotrons are summarized. Numerical solution schemes of the corresponding equations are discussed. A specific case is analyzed in detail.
Functional Analysis Method for Nonlinear Theory of Gyrotrons
This paper proposes an analyzing method for the nonlinear theory of gyrotrons based on the functional analysis theory. This method is computationally efficient and highly practical, and the results have good accuracy as that of the self-consistent theory. Moreover, the stability of the gyrotron can be easily analyzed by the trajectory of the mapped efficiency space based on the fixed point of the functional analysis theory. The validity and effectiveness of the presented method are verified by the results of self-consistent theory and experiments presented in the references, such as typical examples of gyrotrons working at various frequencies and modes.
Structure and dynamics of sawteeth crashes in ASDEX Upgrade
The crash phase of the sawteeth in ASDEX Upgrade tokamak [Herrmann et al., Fusion Sci. Technol. 44(3), 569 (2003)] is investigated in detail in this paper by means of soft x-ray (SXR) and electron cyclotron emission (ECE) diagnostics. Analysis of precursor and postcursor (1,1) modes shows that the crash does not affect the position of the resonant surface q=1. Our experimental results suggest that sawtooth crash models should contain two ingredients to be consistent with experimental observations: (1) the (1,1) mode structure should survive the crash and (2) the flux changes should be small to preserve the position of the q=1 surface close to its original location. Detailed structure of the…
Possible gyrotron operation in the “no start current” zone caused by the axial dependence of the phase of the resonator field
It is known that gyrotrons (as well as other electron beam driven microwave and millimeter-wave oscillators) can operate in the regime of either soft or hard self-excitation. In the regime of soft self-excitation, the beam current exceeds its starting value; thus, the oscillations can start to grow from the noise produced by electrons. In the regime of hard self-excitation, the beam current is less than its starting value. Therefore, for exciting the oscillations, a certain start-up scenario is required, which may include the variation of the mod-anode and/or beam voltage or the guiding magnetic field. It was found recently [O. Dumbrajs and G. S. Nusinovich, Phys. Plasmas 25, 013121 (2018)]…