Leena Welling
Microbial toxicity and impacts on soil enzyme activities of pesticides used in potato cultivation
In the conventional cultivation of potatoes, weed control and the control of potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans are carried out by the application of herbicides and fungicides. We investigated the impacts of the herbicides metribuzin and linuron and the fungicide fluazinam on soil microbiota in microcosms, in mesocosms and in the field. The toxicity of each pesticide in solution was assessed using the luminescent bacteria test and in soil by a solid phase modification. In microcosm tests, the microbial activity and biomass were estimated by measuring several soil enzyme activities together with soil ATP content. In the mesocosm tests, the separate addition of each pesticide…
Comparison of the behaviour of three herbicides in a field experiment under bare soil conditions
Abstract A case-study was design in order to rank three alternative herbicides according to their exposure to surface waters. Herbicide persistence and losses to surface waters were studied in an uncultivated Finnish field (ca. 3500 m2, slope
The M74 syndrome of baltic salmon (Salmo salar) and organochlorine concentrations in the muscle of female salmon
Abstract Organochlorine concentrations in the muscle of female Baltic salmon (Salmo salar), ascending for spawning in the Simojoki River on the north-eastern coast of the Gulf of Bothnia from 1988 to 1992 are given in this paper in relation to reproduction success, monitored as viability of offspring. In spring 1992 and 1993 all the yolk-sac fry of 52 % and 75 % of the females, sampled in autumns 1991 and 1992 respectively, died due to the M74 syndrome, i.e., heavy mortality of yolk-sac fry (YSM). The TEOs of the most frequently detected polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs: 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF, 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF and 2,3,7,8-TeCDF) and those of coplanar PCBs (CB77, CB126 and CB169) were about twi…
Fate of the herbicides glyphosate, glufosinate-ammonium, phenmedipham, ethofumesate and metamitron in two Finnish arable soils.
The fate of five herbicides (glyphosate, glufosinate-ammonium, phenmedipham, ethofumesate and metamitron) was studied in two Finnish sugar beet fields for 26 months. Soil types were sandy loam and clay. Two different herbicide-tolerant sugar beet cultivars and three different herbicide application schedules were used. Meteorological data were collected throughout the study and soil properties were thoroughly analysed. An extensive data set of herbicide residue concentrations in soil was collected. Five different soil depths were sampled. The study was carried out using common Finnish agricultural practices and represents typical sugar beet cultivation conditions in Finland. The overall obse…
Organic chlorine compounds in lake sediments. III. Chlorohydrocarbons, free and chemically bound chlorophenols
Abstract Chlorohydrocarbons and free and chemically bound chlorophenols, catechols and guaiacols were measured from lake sediments in Central Finland. Chlorohydrocarbons occurred at low backround levels except chlorocymenes from pulp mills and PCBs near the city of Aanekoski, where a local leakage occurrs. Free chlorophenols (hexane extractables) were found in all 18 areas studied, but the bound ones (extracted with strong alkali) only in the pulp mill reciepient lakes where they dominated. Preliminary analyses of chemically bound chlorophenols in high molecular fractions of spent bleach liquors and pulp mill effluents indicated that majority of chlorocatechols and guaiacols are bound alrea…
Estimation of the environmental hazard of organochlorines in pulp mill biosludge used as soil fertilizer
Abstract Contents of total organic chlorine and polychlorinated phenols, guaiacols, catechols, benzenes, cymenes, cymenenes, naphthalenes, toxic dibenzodioxins, toxic dibenzofurans, toxic PCB congener 77, alkylated dibenzofurans, alkylated bibenzyls and alkylated phenanthrenes in spent biosludges from activated sludge treatment plants of chlorobleaching kraft pulp mills are reported. Some estimations of hazard caused by these organochlorines to humans and wildlife from the use of biosludge as soil fertilizer are constructed and discussed.