Jukka Ahtiainen
Microbial toxicity and impacts on soil enzyme activities of pesticides used in potato cultivation
In the conventional cultivation of potatoes, weed control and the control of potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans are carried out by the application of herbicides and fungicides. We investigated the impacts of the herbicides metribuzin and linuron and the fungicide fluazinam on soil microbiota in microcosms, in mesocosms and in the field. The toxicity of each pesticide in solution was assessed using the luminescent bacteria test and in soil by a solid phase modification. In microcosm tests, the microbial activity and biomass were estimated by measuring several soil enzyme activities together with soil ATP content. In the mesocosm tests, the separate addition of each pesticide…
A battery of toxicity tests as indicators of decontamination in composting oily waste.
Heterogeneous oily waste from an old dumping site was composted in three windrows constructed from different proportions of waste, sewage sludge, and bark. The objectives of this pilot study were to examine the usefulness of composting as a treatment method for this particular waste and to study decontamination in the composting process by using a battery of toxicity tests. Five samples from the windrow having intermediate oil concentrations were tested with toxicity tests based on microbes (Pseudomonas putida growth inhibition test, ToxiChromotest, MetPLATE, and three different modifications of a luminescent bacterial test), enzyme inhibition (reverse electron transport), plants (duckweed …
Evaluation of biodegradation of nonylphenol ethoxylate and lignin by combining toxicity assessment and chemical characterization.
Abstract The aerobic biodegradation of commercial nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) mixture and alkali lignin was studied using the OECD headspace test accompanied by the simultaneous measurement of ecotoxicity directly from the biodegradation liquors and by the follow-up of the chemical composition of the studied chemicals. NPE degradation was dependent on the inoculum source: approximately 40% of NPE was mineralized into CO2 during the 4-week experiment when inoculum from Helsinki City wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was used, and only 12% was mineralized when inoculum from Jyvaskyla City WWTP was used. Chemical analyses revealed a shift in the ethoxylate chain length from longer to shorter …
Effects of dimethoate and benomyl on soil organisms and soil processes – a microcosm study
Abstract Effects of two pesticides, dimethoate, an insecticide, and benomyl, a fungicide, applied singly or together, on soil organisms and plant growth were studied in microcosms containing agricultural soil and indigenous soil fauna together with introduced invertebrates and barley. Dimethoate reduced soil microarthropod populations and the reduction was stronger in the upper than in the lower soil layer. The collembolan community structure was affected by both pesticides. Populations of microarthropods in pesticide-treated microcosms recovered during the experiment but the community structures remained differentiated. Total numbers of enchytraeids and nematodes were not affected by eithe…