Christophe Valot
Microtextural Analyses of the Ni/NiO System after High Temperature Oxidation
Near-coincidence lattice method for the determination of epitaxy strains during oxidation of metals
Abstract A theoretical method is proposed to evaluate the strains due to epitaxy between a metal and its oxide. Based on Bollmann’s approach of two adjoining grains, it uses the quantitative texture analysis of the two materials separated by the phase boundary. Our study of the Zr/ZrO 2 and Mo/MoO 3 systems reveals strong correlations between the criterion of best fit proposed by Bollmann and the orientation distribution function obtained by a quantitative texture analysis. The results of this study are used in a thermo-mechano-chemical simulation of the oxidation process of zirconium, which leads to this observation: two different zirconia orientations induce two different oxidation kineti…
Fine grain barium titanate: ferroelectric domains and X-ray diffraction diagram
Through three different studies using various kinds of BaTiO/sub 3/ samples: as a powder while heating over the Curie temperature; as a green ceramic as a function of the forming pressure; as a ceramic while applying a D.C. field. It is shown how X-ray diffraction is able to give information about the evolution of the 90/spl deg/ ferroelectric domain microstructure.
Texture Effects on Zircaloy Oxidation : Experiment and Simulation
Ferroelectric domains in BaTiO3powders and ceramics evidenced by X-ray diffraction
Abstract Through three different studies, using BaTiO3 samples, as a powder while heating over the Curie temperature, and as a ceramic while applying an electric field, it is shown how X-ray diffraction (XRD) is able to give information about the evolution of the ferroelectric domain microstructure. Firstly, the relative intensities of the 002 and 200 lines, as a function of the applied electric field, exhibit the motion of the 90[ddot] domain walls. However, XRD is unable to provide any distinction between two 180[ddot] domains. Secondly, the profile of those two lines and of the other double (hhl), (lhh) lines is particular: the unusual diffracted intensity between such double lines has t…
A New Possibility for Powder Diffraction: The Characterization of the Domain Microstructure in a Ferroelectric Material
Ferroelectric Domain Walls in BaTiO3: Fingerprints in XRPD Diagrams and Quantitative HRTEM Image Analysis
The structure of ferroelectric domain walls in BaTiO3 has been investigated through two complementary approaches, a global one by the fine analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns, the other essentially local via a quantitative image analysis method developed and applied to High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy images. These two original approaches converge towards a clear description of 90○ walls which are shown to be a 4–6 nm wide region where the crystallographic discontinuity is accommodated by irregular atomic displacements. The results given here demonstrate that the usual structural theoretical description of walls commonly accepted for energy calculations are far too simpli…
Determination of Zircaloy -4 Radiocristallographic Elastic Constants from Room Temperature to 300°C
A new experimental apparatus, allowing the determination of radiocristallographic elastic constants (REC) as a function of the temperature is presented. The material studied the zirconium alloy Zircaloy-4, showing low elastic anisotropy, an isotropic treatment of the problem is possible. As a consequence, the classical sin 2 ψ method is used to determine the REC from room temperature to 300°C.
X-Ray diffraction diagram evolution of a BaTiO3ceramic under an electric field
Abstract The X-ray diffraction diagrams of a coarse grained pure BaTiO3 ceramic have been recorded as a function of the applied electric D.C. field. This field was perpendicular to the X-ray incoming surface. The experimental device used allows to record diffraction diagrams while the electric field step by step increases. The intensity ratio of the 002 line over the 200 line increases with the applied electric field. The evolution of the X-ray diffraction line intensities is in correlation with the first polarization curve of the ferroelectric ceramic. These results evidence a contribution of the 90° ferroelectric domains pattern to the X-ray diffraction diagram of BaTiO3.
Oxidation of Titanium, Zirconium and their Alloys, Texture of their Oxide Scales
Peculiarities of X-Ray Diffraction in Crystals with Diffuse Boundaries of Twin on System {011}, <011>
Study of stress effects in the oxidation of Zircaloy-4
Abstract The oxidation of zirconium alloy Zy-4 is due to an anionic diffusion of oxygen leading to the formation of an oxide layer of zirconia. According to the Pilling and Bedworth ratio of the Zr/ZrO 2 system, the oxide scale is under compressive stresses. This stress state may play an important role during the corrosion process, from the phases as well as from the kinetics point of view. In order to better understand the eventual relationship between oxide phases, oxidation kinetics and stresses, an experimental apparatus was developed in our laboratory. It allows the application of external tensile stresses, in situ oxidation of the sample in controlled environment and X-ray diffraction…
Mechanical, Kinetic and Morphological Correlations during the Scale Growth of Niobium and Zirconium Oxides
Oxidation of niobium at 700°C and zirconium at 850°C, in air or oxygen pressures from 20 to I 000 hPa, lead to the formation in one case of a stratified Nb 2 O 5 oxide scale and in the other case a more compact ZrO 2 oxide scale. Analyses of the evolutions of phases, crystalline textures and mechanical stresses during oxidation are determined by X-ray diffraction techniques. Interactions between chemical processes, crystalline building and mechanical processes constitute together the driving force of the reaction and can explain the differences in morphologies of oxide scales.