Inmaculada Serra Yoldi
The redefinition of gender roles in immigrant women: the importance of local spaces in global processes
ABSTRACTIn today’s complex, intercultural, transnational, glocalized world, linking conceptual analyses and theoretical representations to the empirical study of female migration also requires, among other aspects, acknowledging the importance of the arrival context in the redefinition of gender roles, since it operates as an area of opportunity or containment mainly due to a number of specific features, which interacts with women’s economic, cultural and social capital, to produce different results in the situation of migrant women. The context of arrival and the subjects, conceived of as actors inserted in social structures where they have scope for action, is the focus of our analysis. T…
Immigrant Labour and viticulture activity: the Case of the Ribera del Duero
Spain is one of the main countries with significant presence in the global wine market. Ribera de Duero is a region which currently has a very important presence both nationally and internationally in the global production of wine. Studies conducted in the area have addressed different angles of those changes. One of the aspects more addressed in existing studies is the wine tourism strategy, the elements that have enabled the growth of this strategy and the impacts on the region. However, one of the aspects that has not been very much discussed is the importance of the labor force involved in this activity. On this communication, we will focus on analyzing the importance of the migrant la…
Las políticas de igualdad en el ‘welfare mix’: opiniones y percepciones sobre el papel de las ONGs
This paper has been structured in three areas. In the first one, the author shows the relevance that words and conversations among individuals have on social research, both terms being very important to the well-known sociologist and writer Franco Ferrarotti. In the second part, the author explains the necessary qualitative methodology to be used when analysing a main topic. In the third one, the author analyses the reality of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from the gender perspective to detect if they are or not a reflection of that Spanish reality regarding sex discrimination. Finally, this paper states the challenge the Spanish society needs to face to outweigh sex inequality with…