Silvana Vallerga
Panel Summary One Model for Vision Systems?
This panel reports some considerations about the definition of vision-models. The panellists are scientists working on vision problems from different perspectives. The concept of model in vision seems to remain still open. In fact, it is dynamic, and context dependent. There exists the need for a better exchange of information, among biologists, engineers, physicists, and psychologists in order to improve our knowledge.
Panel Summary:Multistimuli and Different Sensory Modalities
Our everyday environment in which we live is characterised by stimuli capable of eliciting our actions (or reactions). Generally our actions are influenced by a number of stimuli which are multimodal.
Panel Summary: Plasticity and Reconfigurability in Sensory Systems
Natural neural network are highly plastic in structure and function and may adapt to long lasting environmental changes. Plasticity and adaptation are not confined to lower level of processing, or to lower vertebrates, but also at the higher levels of visual processing in higher vertebrates are highly dynamic and perform considerable spatial integration. There are numerous influences that play a role in the functional architecture of the retina and the, cortex, the dynamics of the outside environment, the context within which a feature is presented, the history of previous visual stimulation and attention or expectation. The brief report on the visual system is integrated by the report of G…