Oscar Gil
Tumor mixoide de cayado aórtico: a propósito de un caso
Las neoplasias aórticas son una rara causa de embolia sistémica y normalmente se descubren a partir de un defecto de repleción en las pruebas de imagen. Presentamos el caso clínico de un varón de 52 años de edad que sufre un episodio de isquemia aguda del miembro superior derecho a raíz de la cual es descubierta y tratada una neoplasia íntimal de cayado aórtico. Se aporta revisión de la literatura sobre la evidencia en el manejo de este tipo de entidades.Aortic tumors are a rare cause of systemic embolisation and usually discovered through an image of repletion defect. We present the case of a 52-year-old male with an acute ischemic right upper limb which led to the diagnosis and treatment …
Intraoperative cryoablation of atrial fibrillation with the old-fashioned cryode tips: a simple, effective, and inexpensive method.
Nowadays atrial fibrillation is usually treated simultaneously with cardiac procedures, and new cryo-systems have been developed for performing easier and faster intraoperative ablation. However, the old cryode designs can still be useful in surgical practice and represent a more cost-effective method. In this article we present a technique using old-fashioned cryodes for intraoperative treatment of atrial fibrillation and comment on its advantages and limitations.