About entangled networks of worm-like micelles: a rejected hypothesis

We report new results from small-angle neutron scattering on d(1 2)-cyclohexane/lecithin/water micellar solutions performed as a function of the water content (w(o)), temperature (T) and dispersed phase volume fraction (phi). The data from dilute samples are interpretable in terms of the existence of giant cylindrical reverse micelles and are well fit with a core-shell model (that provides the micelle structure and dimensions) with values of 28 and 45 Angstrom for the inner core and the outer shell radii, almost independent on temperature and concentration. Such a result could appear consistent with the current idea that worm-like micelles are living polymers. On the contrary, the appearanc…

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Linguistic, psychometric validation and diagnostic ability assessment of an Italian version of a 19-item wearing-off questionnaire for wearing-off detection in Parkinson’s disease

research product

Kinetic analysis of insulin resistance and serum adipocytokines levels during peginterferon alpha-2A plus ribavirin therapy in non-diabetic HCV patients

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Retrieval of characteristic parameters for water vapour transmittance in the development of ground based Sun-Sky radiometric measurements of columnar water vapour

Abstract. Sun–sky radiometers are instruments created for aerosol study, but they can measure in the water vapour absorption band allowing the estimation of columnar water vapour in clear sky simultaneously with aerosol characteristics, with high temporal resolution. A new methodology is presented for estimating calibration parameters (i.e. characteristic parameters of the atmospheric transmittance and solar calibration constant) directly from the sun–sky radiometer measurements. The methodology is based on the hypothesis that characteristic parameters of the atmospheric transmittance are dependent on vertical profiles of pressure, temperature and moisture occurring at each site of measurem…

research product

Small-angle neutron scattering from lecithin reverse micelles

Abstract We report new results of small-angle neutron scattering from cyclohexane- d 12 /lecithin/water micellar solutions, performed as a function of the water content, w 0 , the temperature, T and the dispersed-phase volume fraction, ф. The data from dilute samples can be interpreted in terms of the existence of giant cylindrical reverse micelles, in good agreement with the current idea of an unlimited micellar growth with ф. In contrast, the appearance of a sharp interference maximum at high concentrations ( ф > 0.15 ) suggests that the current hypothesis of a gel structure interpreted as a random network of entangled micelles can be assumed to be incorrect, and that there must be some c…

research product

Combination of CDF and D0 measurements of the W boson helicity in top quark decays

Aaltonen, T. et al.

research product

Search for gamma ray bursts with the ARGO-YBJ detector in scaler mode

We report on the search for Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) in the energy range 1-100 GeV in coincidence with the prompt emission detected by satellites using the Astrophysical Radiation with Ground-based Observatory at YangBaJing (ARGO-YBJ) air shower detector. Thanks to its mountain location (Yangbajing, Tibet, P.R. China, 4300 m a.s.l.), active surface (about 6700 m**2 of Resistive Plate Chambers), and large field of view (about 2 sr, limited only by the atmospheric absorption), the ARGO-YBJ air shower detector is particularly suitable for the detection of unpredictable and short duration events such as GRBs. The search is carried out using the "single particle technique", i.e. counting all the …

research product

Well-being among Italian medical oncologists: An exploratory study

<b><i>Background:</i></b> Recently, attention has been focused on physicians' stress and quality-of-life improvement. Due to their relationship with patients, oncologists in particular are overloaded physically, emotionally and psychologically. Previous studies showed that training of communication skills improves the satisfaction and well-being of physicians and patients. <b><i>Aims:</i></b> Our research investigates the relationship between work stress and engagement and personal well-being in physicians working in Italian hospitals. <b><i>Materials and Methods:</i></b> 176 physicians were included. Doctors filled out…

research product

The ARGO-YBJ experiment in Tibet

The setting up of the ARGO detector at the YangBaJing Cosmic Ray Laboratory (4300 m a.s.l., Tibet, P.R. China) has been completed during the last spring (2007). It consists of a central carpet made of 130 identical sub-units of 12 RPCs each (a "cluster"), covering a surface of about 5800 m2 with 93% active area, and a guard ring of 24 further clusters of the same type surrounding the central carpet with a lower sampling density. Signals are picked up by external electrodes of small size, thus allowing the sampling of EAS with high space-time granularity. Shower events are detected at a trigger rate of about 4 kHz. Events with a few particles detected by a single cluster are counted in scale…

research product

De l’espace à l’étendue. L’évolution de l’imaginaire spatial dans l’œuvre de Saint-Exupéry

L’espace chez Saint-Exupéry refuse la définition de « décor » et plus encore celle de « paysage », tout en gardant un lien fort avec les lieux concrets qui sont des repères pour l’homme. L’espace parcouru, connu dans sa matière, se révèle surtout à travers le dynamisme de l’imaginaire de l’auteur. D’après Bachelard, l’intérêt pour Saint-Exupéry « résidait dans la poétique des matières et des dynamismes ». L’espace devient le leitmotiv de son œuvre entière, ce qui nous a guidés dans la tentative d’illustrer l’évolution que celui-ci subit. Il s’agit d’un parcours pour ainsi dire « en spirale », soutenu par un tissu d’images qui s’alimente du contact avec les éléments du réel et au même temps …

research product

Caratterizzazione del campo di induzione magnetica prodotto da cabine secondarie

L’articolo presenta una metodologia per la caratterizzazione del campo di induzione magnetica nei pressi di cabine secondarie di tipo a box prefabbricato in cemento armato vibrato, che costituisce un valido strumento per la verifica del rispetto degli obiettivi di qualità imposti dalla legislazione vigente.

research product

Setil:Italian multicentric epidemiological study on risk factors for childhood leukemia, non Hodgkin lymphoma and neuroblastoma

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