Jukka Kosonen

Running in highly cushioned shoes increases leg stiffness and amplifies impact loading

AbstractRunning shoe cushioning has become a standard method for managing impact loading and consequent injuries due to running. However, despite decades of shoe technology developments and the fact that shoes have become increasingly cushioned, aimed to ease the impact on runners’ legs, running injuries have not decreased. To better understand the shoe cushioning paradox, we examined impact loading and the spring-like mechanics of running in a conventional control running shoe and a highly cushioned maximalist shoe at two training speeds, 10 and 14.5 km/h. We found that highly cushioned maximalist shoes alter spring-like running mechanics and amplify rather than attenuate impact loading. T…

research product

Prediction of active peak force using a multilayer perceptron

Both kinematic parameters and ground reaction forces (GRFs) are necessary for understanding the biomechanics of running. Kinematic information of a runner is typically measured by a motion capture system whereas GRF during the support phase of running is measured by force platforms. To analyze both kinematics and kinetics of a runner over several subsequent contacts, an instrumented treadmill or alternatively several force platforms installed over a regulated space are available options, but they are highly immovable, expensive, and sometimes even impractical options. Naturally, it would be highly useful to predict GRFs using a motion capture system only and this way reduce costs and comple…

research product

Yksilöllisesti muotoiltujen pohjallisten vaikutus kävelyn ja juoksun kinematiikkaan sekä kinetiikkaan ylipronatoivilla miehillä

Jukka Kosonen (2015). Yksilöllisesti muotoiltujen pohjallisten vaikutus kävelyn ja juoksun kinematiikkaan sekä kinetiikkaan ylipronatoivilla miehillä. Liikuntabiologian laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Pro gradu -tutkielma, 51 s. Käveleminen sekä juokseminen ovat yleisimmät fyysisen harjoituksen muodot ympäri maailmaa. Juoksulla on positiivisia vaikutuksia ihmisen terveyteen, koska juokseminen parantaa fyysistä kuntoa ja vähentää sydän- ja verisuonitauteja. Jalassa tapahtuva liialli-nen pronaatio voi olla haitallista, sillä se voi muuttaa raajojen toimintaa, lisäten louk-kaantumisriskiä. Pohjallisia on käytetty hoitamaan erilaisia vaivoja ja oireita kuten nilk-kakipuja, polven nivelrikkoa sekä…

research product

Effects of medially posted insoles on foot and lower limb mechanics across walking and running in overpronating men.

Anti-pronation orthoses, like medially posted insoles (MPI), have traditionally been used to treat various of lower limb problems. Yet, we know surprisingly little about their effects on overall foot motion and lower limb mechanics across walking and running, which represent highly different loading conditions. To address this issue, multi-segment foot and lower limb mechanics was examined among 11 over-pronating men with normal (NORM) and MPI insoles during walking (self-selected speed 1.70 +/- 0.19 m/s vs 1.72 +/- 0.20 m/s, respectively) and running (4.04 +/- 0.17 m/s vs 4.10 +/- 0.13 m/s, respectively). The kinematic results showed that MPI reduced the peak forefoot eversion movement in …

research product