Gunnar Nyman

Search for forbidden?-decays of the drip line nucleus12Be

Beta-coincidentγ-rays have been measured from implanted pure samples of12Be separated at the LISE3 spectrometer at GANIL. An intensity of 0.040(26) % can be estimated for the branching ratio of the isospin forbidden pure-Fermi transition to the 0+ excited state of12B and of 0.008(6)% of the transition to the 1−1 excited state. Both are taken to represent upper limits. The half-life has been re-measured to be 26.1(2.4) ms.

research product

Rotational Transitions of CO+Induced by Atomic Hydrogen

The CO+ molecular ion has been observed in photon-dominated regions. Recent modeling has not been able to explain the abundances of CO+ in these regions. The most abundant collision partners are believed to be hydrogen atoms, hydrogen molecules, and electrons. The reactions of these species with CO+ have been studied previously and found to be fast. The only inelastic processes studied before were collisions of CO+ with electrons. Here we investigate the inelastic collisions of CO+ with hydrogen atoms. We argue that this can be done on the lowest triplet electronic state. This implies that CO+ ions, in a hydrogen atom dominated surrounding, experiences a few inelastic collisions before reac…

research product

On the nuclear structure of 229Ra

14 pages, 3 tables, 6 figures.

research product

Spectroscopy at the drip line: the case of 31Ar

The beta decay of exotic nuclei is directly connected to many different and highly relevant issues. While along the years a hundred of nuclei have been identified as beta delayed proton (β-p) emitters only eight have been found to be β-2p emitters and the β-3p decay mode although energetically allowed has so far not been observed [1].

research product

The nuclear structure of 229Th

Abstract The γ -rays following the β − decay of 229 Ac have been investigated by means of γ -ray singles and γγ -coincidence measurements using Ge detectors. Multipolarities of 40 transitions in 229 Th have been established by measuring conversion electrons with a mini-orange electron spectrometer. The half-lives of the 146.35, 164.53 and 261.96 keV levels have been measured using the advanced time delayed βγγ (t) method. The low-lying states in 229 Th and observed transition rates have been interpreted within the quasiparticle–phonon model with inclusion of Coriolis coupling. Two octupole correlated parity partner bands, with K π =5/2 ± and K π =3/2 ± , were identified in 229 Th.

research product

A KInetic Database for Astrochemistry (KIDA)

We present a novel chemical database for gas-phase astrochemistry. Named the KInetic Database for Astrochemistry (KIDA), this database consists of gas-phase reactions with rate coefficients and uncertainties that will be vetted to the greatest extent possible. Submissions of measured and calculated rate coefficients are welcome, and will be studied by experts before inclusion into the database. Besides providing kinetic information for the interstellar medium, KIDA is planned to contain such data for planetary atmospheres and for circumstellar envelopes. Each year, a subset of the reactions in the database (kida.uva) will be provided as a network for the simulation of the chemistry of dense…

research product

Half-lives, neutron emission probabilities and fission yields of neutron-rich rubidium isotopes in the mass regionA=96 toA=100

Neutron-rich rubidium isotopes were produced by thermal-neutron induced fission of235U and were isolated by surface ionization and mass separation. The new isotope (51 ±17) ms100Rb was identified. The half-lives of the rubidium isotopes with mass numberA=96 toA=100 were measured using neutron multiscaling or gamma multispectrum analysis. Measurements of the delayed-neutron emission probabilityP n of99Rb and of the fission yields of97Rb,98Rb, and99Rb were performed.

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New information on 12C states from the decays of 12N and 12B

Abstract The properties of states in 12 C above the 3α-threshold are of high current interest for nuclear astrophysics and for the nuclear many-body problem in general. We have initiated a series of experiments aimed at elucidating this region by using the β-decays of 12 N and 12 B. By applying the ISOL method for producing these radioactive isotopes, in combination with modern segmented charged particle detectors, our approach has significant advantages over previous studies of this region.

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The new neutron-rich isotope228Rn

2 pages, 1 table, 2 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 23.90.+w; 27.90.+b.-- Section: Short Notes.

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News on 12C from beta-decay studies

We discuss the importance of the spectroscopic properties of the resonances of 12C just above the 3α-threshold, and review the existing experimental information of this region with emphasis on O+ and 2+ states. A new experimental approach for studying the β-decays of 12B and 12N is presented based on techniques developed in the context of Radioactive beam (rare isotope) physics. Finally preliminary results from an ongoing analysis of two recent experiments are given. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.

research product

Emission of neutrons and the neutron halo of $^{11}$Li

The matter distribution of the neutron drip-line nuclei has been a subject of intense interest since pioneering radioactive-beam experiments at Berkeley1). Unusually large interaction cross-sections measured at relativistic energies for 11Li,14Be and 17B nuclei were translated into effective matter radii. It was found that these were significantly larger than for other p-shell nuclei. In particular, the root-mean-square (rms) mass radius of 11Li was found to be 3.2fm, which was considerably larger than the 2.4fm radius of 9Li. At the same time, no signatures for significant deformation of 11Li were found in measurements of electric quadrupole moment by means of laser spectroscopy2).

research product

The nuclear structure of $^{223}$Fr

Abstract The γ-rays following the β− decay of 223Rn have been investigated by means of γ-ray singles including multispectrum analysis, and γγ-coincidence measurements using Ge detectors. Multipolarities of 38 transitions in 223Fr have been established by measuring conversion electrons with a mini-orange electron spectrometer. Most of the observed transitions could be placed in a level scheme comprising 53 excited states of 223Fr. The level structure is interpreted in terms of K π = 3 2 ± and 1 2 ± parity doublet bands, and a second K π = 3 2 ± higher-lying parity doublet. The experimental data are compared with the theoretical predictions of the reflection-asymmetric rotor model.

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Two-neutron removal reactions for very neutron-rich nuclei

Abstract The two-neutron removal reactions of beams of 11 Li, 14 Be and 8 He upon Be, Ni and Au targets were studied at 30 MeV/u. The cross sections and the neutron forward angular distributions were measured; they correlate strongly with the two-neutron separation energy of the projectile. Even though the coverage of the neutron detectors was limited, a rough neutron-neutron distribution could be extracted. A simplified interpretation of the data is presented.

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The 2014 KIDA network for interstellar chemistry

Chemical models used to study the chemical composition of the gas and the ices in the interstellar medium are based on a network of chemical reactions and associated rate coefficients. These reactions and rate coefficients are partially compiled from data in the literature, when available. We present in this paper kida.uva.2014, a new updated version of the kida.uva public gas-phase network first released in 2012. In addition to a description of the many specific updates, we illustrate changes in the predicted abundances of molecules for cold dense cloud conditions as compared with the results of the previous version of our network, kida.uva.2011.

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Searching for the 5H resonance in the t+n+n system

19 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, 2 appendices.-- PACS nrs.: 27.10.+h; 25.60.Gc.-- Printed version published Jul 28, 2003.

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Single-Neutron States inS133n

The location of several single-neutron states in ${}^{133}\mathrm{Sn}$ has been identified. The ${p}_{3/2}$, ${h}_{9/2}$, and ${f}_{5/2}$ states were found at 853.7, 1560.9, and 2004.6 keV, respectively, by measuring $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays in coincidence with delayed neutrons following the decay of ${}^{134}\mathrm{In}$. Crucial for obtaining the new data were the improved yields at the mass-separator facility ISOLDE-PSB at CERN. A semiempirically adjusted Woods-Saxon calculation, based on parameters from the Pb region and normalized on the mass data at ${}^{132}\mathrm{Sn}$, reproduces the new single particle energies with good precision.

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The β-decay approach for studying 12C

6 pags., 3 figs. -- 9th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (CLUSTERS'07) 3–7 September 2007, Stratford upon Avon, UK

research product

Status of REX-ISOLDE

REX-ISOLDE [1] is a post-accelerator situated at the ISOLDE radioactive ion beam facility placed at CERN, Geneva. It’s main aim is to increase the energy of light (A < 50) radioactive ions from 60 keV to 0.8–2.2MeV/u. REX—ISOLDE uses a new concept of post-acceleration of radioactive ion beams by using charge breeding of the ions in a high charge state ion source and the efficient acceleration of the highly charged ions in a short LINAC using modern ion accelerator structures. In a first step the radioactive ions are captured in a large gas-filled Penning trap. The task is to accumulate, cool and bunch the beam and prepare it for the injection into an electron beam ion source (EBIS). Cooling…

research product

The decay of 0.57 s114Cs

Fusion reactions between58Ni projectiles and58Ni target nuclei were used to produce114Cs activity, which was studied by on-line mass separation and decay spectroscopy. The obtained half-life of 0.57±0.02 s and the probability ratio of 44±3 between betadelayed proton and beta-delayed alpha emission represent data with improved precision. The absolute branching ratios for both particle decay modes were determined to be (7 ±2)×10−2 and (1.6±0.6)×10−3, respectively. These branching ratios and the shapes of particle spectra are discussed with reference to the statistical model calculations. Groundstate alpha decay of114Cs was observed with an alpha energy of 3,226±30 keV and a branching ratio of…

research product

Search for stable octupole deformation in $^{225}$Fr

Levels in $^{225}$Fr have been studied by $\gamma$-ray and conversion-electron spectroscopy following the $\beta$-decay of $^{225}$Rn, and by the $^{226}$Ra(t,$\alpha$)$^{225}$Fr single-proton-pickup reaction. Multipolarities were obtained for $\sim$ 50 $\gamma$-transitions, and a level scheme was established in which definite spin-parity values were determined for over 20 of the 48 levels. Although low-lying rotational bands of both parities exist for $K=1/2$ and $K=3/2$, there is no experimental evidence to claim these are parity doublets. E1 strengths connecting the $K^\pi=3/2^\pm$ bands are intermediate between those for nuclides which are reflection symmetric and those claimed to be oc…

research product

Clarification of the Three-Body Decay ofC12(12.71 MeV)

Using $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decays of a clean source of $^{12}\mathrm{N}$ produced at the IGISOL facility, we have measured the breakup of the $^{12}\mathrm{C}$ (12.71 MeV) state into three $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ particles with a segmented particle detector setup. The high quality of the data permits solving the question of the breakup mechanism of the 12.71 MeV state, a longstanding problem in few-body nuclear physics. Among existing models, a modified sequential model fits the data best, but systematic deviations indicate that a three-body description is needed.

research product

Precise branching ratios to unbound 12C states from 12N and 12B β-decays

6 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures.--PACS nrs.: 21.45.-v; 23.40.-s; 27.20.+n; 21.60.De.--Printed version published Aug 3, 2009

research product

First radioactive ions charge bred in REXEBIS at the REX-ISOLDE accelerator

REXEBIS is the charge breeder of the REX-ISOLDE post accelerator. The radioactive 1$^{+}$ ions produced at ISOLDE are accumulated, phase-space cooled and bunched in the REXTRAP, and thereafter injected into the EBIS with an energy up to 60 keV. The REXEBIS produced the first charge bred ions in August 2001 and has been running nearly non-stop during September to December 2001. It has delivered stable $^{39}$K$^{10+}$ and $^{23}$Na$^{6+}$ beams generated in the ion source in front of REXTRAP with a Na$^{7+}$ current exceeding 70 pA (6x10$^{7}$ p/s). Stable $^{27}$Al$^{7+}$ and $^{23}$Na$^{6+}$ from ISOLDE and also the first radioactive $^{26}$Na$^{7+}$ and $^{24}$Na$^{7+}$ beams (just 5x10$^…

research product

The Super-FRS Project at GSI

The GSI projectile fragment separator FRS has demonstrated with many pioneering experiments the research potential of in-flight separators at relativistic energies. Although the present facility has contributed much to the progress in the field of nuclear structure physics, major improvements are desirable in the future. The characteristics of the proposed next-generation facility at GSI, the Super-FRS, will be presented and compared to other projects. The Super-FRS is a large-acceptance superconducting fragment separator followed by different experimental branches including a combination with a new storage-cooler ring system. This system consists of a collector ring (CR) and a new experime…

research product

New neutron-rich isotopes of astatine and bismuth

Neutron-rich isotopes of astatine have been produced through spallation reactions with 600 MeV protons on a232Th target and identified by spectroscopic techniques combined with one-line mass separation at the ISOLDE facility. The half-lives of218At and219At have been remeasured to be 1.5(3) s and 57(4) s, respectively. Four new isotopes of astatine,220−223At, have been observed for the first time, and their half-lives were found to be 3.73(13) min, 2.3(2) min, 54(10) s, and 50(7) s, respectively. Another nuclide,216Bi, has been observed for the first time as the daughter product of the220At alpha decay, and its half-life has been measured to be 6.6(21) min.

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Quadrupole deformed and octupole collective bands in 228Ra

Spins and parities for collective states in $^{228}$Ra have been determined from conversion electron measurements with a mini-orange $\beta$-spectrometer. The fast-timing $\beta\gamma\gamma(t)$ method has been used to measure lifetimes of T$_{1/2}$=550(20) ps and 181(3) ps for the $2^{+}_{1}$ and $4^{+}_{1}$ members of the K=0$^{+}$ band, and T$_{1/2} \leqslant$ 7 ps and $\leqslant$ 6 ps for the $1^{-}_{1}$ and $3^{-}_1$ members of the K = $0^{-}$ band, respectively The quadrupole moments, $Q_{0}$ deduced from the B (E2; 2$_{1}^{+} \rightarrow 0_{1}^{+}$) and B (E2; 4$_{1}^{+} \rightarrow 2_1^{+}$) rates are in good agreement with the previously measured value and the systematics of the reg…

research product

Intense mass-separated beams of halogens and beta-delayed neutron emission from heavy bromine isotopes

Improved production yields of short-lived halogens were obtained from a ThO2 target, irradiated with 600 MeV protons, in combination with a negative surface ionization source. Mass-separated samples were studied by decay spectroscopy. Production yields of radioactive isotopes of chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine are presented. Half-lives and relative neutron emission probabilities were measured for the heavy bromine isotopes89−92Br. Normalizing to earlier publishedPn values for89Br, the results are:89Br (4.30±0.14s,P n =13.6±0.8%),90Br (1.92±0.06s,P n =24.8±1.5%),91Br (0.53 ±0.03 s,P n =30.1 ±2.1%), and92Br (0.31 ±0.02 s,P n =34.6±2.5%). Energy spectra ofβ-delayed neutrons were measure…

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Longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions of 9Li fragments from break-up of 11Li

7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table.

research product

The new neutron-rich nuclei231Fr and231Ra

The new neutron-rich isotope231Fr has been produced in a spallation reaction of238U induced by 600 MeV protons and identified by mass-separation and decay spectroscopy. In addition, the so far unknown231Ra and the known231Ac have been observed as daughter products. The Z-assignments were performed via the decay of KX-rays, and genetic relationships. Half-lives of 17.5(8) s and 103(3) s were obtained for231Fr and231Ra, respectively.

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