H. Keller
Search for forbidden?-decays of the drip line nucleus12Be
Beta-coincidentγ-rays have been measured from implanted pure samples of12Be separated at the LISE3 spectrometer at GANIL. An intensity of 0.040(26) % can be estimated for the branching ratio of the isospin forbidden pure-Fermi transition to the 0+ excited state of12B and of 0.008(6)% of the transition to the 1−1 excited state. Both are taken to represent upper limits. The half-life has been re-measured to be 26.1(2.4) ms.
Evidence for quasi-fission in40Ar+208Pb collisions near the coulomb-barrier
Fission-fragment angular distributions were measured in the reaction of40Ar with208Pb near the fusion barrier. For nearly symmetric mass-/charge splits we find angular distributions symmetric around θ=90 degrees, however, with unusually large anisotropies. These develop gradually into forward-backward asymmetric distributions as one moves away from mass-/charge symmetry. This indicates that non-compound fission (‘quasi-fission’) competes with true fusion-fission. The relative contribution of quasi-fission to the total fission cross section is somewhere between 51 and 85%. In the framework of the extra-push model this is equivalent to an extra-extra push energy for compound-nucleus formation…
Unusual excitation-energy division in quasi-fission reactions between50Ti,54Cr and58Fe with207,208Pb at the barrier
Production and characterization of a custom-made 228Th source with reduced neutron source strength for the Borexino experiment
A custom-made 228Th source of several MBq activity was produced for the Borexino experiment for studying the external background of the detector. The aim was to reduce the unwanted neutron emission produced via (alpha,n) reactions in ceramics used typically for commercial 228Th sources. For this purpose a ThCl4 solution was converted chemically into ThO2 and embedded into a gold foil. The paper describes the production and the characterization of the custom-made source by means of gamma-activity, dose rate and neutron source strength measurements. From gamma-spectroscopic measurements it was deduced that the activity transfer from the initial solution to the final source was >91% (at 68%…
Postersitzung 10: Operative Techniken
Abdominale Wunddehiszenzen treten postoperativ mit einer absoluten Haufigkeit von 1–3% auf und sind mit einer Mortalitat von bis zu 35% belastet. Die postoperative Festigkeit der Abdominalaponeurose beruht bis zum 7. postoperativen Tag allein auf dem chirurgischen Faden. Die Reisfestigkeit des Wundverschlusses steigt dann durch die Wundheilungsvorgange bis zum 21. Tag schnell an. Nach einem Vierteljahr ist eine endgultige Festigkeit erreicht [2, 4]. Die vordere Bauchwand weist durch den Faserverlauf der drei seitlichen Bauchmuskeln und der sie fortsetzenden Aponeurosen eine vorwiegend quere Struktur auf (Abb. 1, 2, 3). Die Zugfestigkeit der Abdominalaponeurosen ist in querer Richtung 3mal g…
Competition between binary reactions and fusion in heavy-ion collisions at the Coulomb barrier
Mass and charge distributions for binary reaction channels have been measured for the reactions86Kr with76Ge,104Ru and130Te at the Coulomb barrier using chemical separations andγ-ray spectroscopy. These systems span the region where dynamical hindrance to complete fusion sets in. The binary reactions can be subdivided into two components associated withi) reflection from the outer potential barrier (quasielastic), andii) reseparation after passing the barrier (complex reactions). The sum of complex-reaction channels and evaporation residues from complete fusion can be reproduced by a barrier passing calculation. The fraction of the barrier passing flux leading to reseparation increases from…
Beta decay of the new isotope101Sn
The very neutron-deficient isotope 101Sn was produced in a 50Cr(58Ni, 2p5n) reaction and its decay properties were determined for the first time. By using chemically selective ion sources of an on-line mass separator, the energy spectrum and the half-life (3 ± 1 s) of beta-delayed protons of 101Sn were measured. These results are compared to theoretical predictions.
Beta-decay studies of far from stability nuclei near N = 28
Abstract Beta-decay half-lives and β-delayed neutron-emission probabilities of the very neutron-rich nuclei 43 P, 42,44,45 S and 44–46 Cl, 47 Ar, which lie at or close to the N=28 magic shell, have been recently measured through β or β-n time correlation measurement. The results are compared to recent model predictions and indicate a rapid weakening of the N=28 shell effect below 48 Ca. The nuclear structure effects reflected in the decay properties of the exotic S and Cl isotopes may be the clue for the astrophysical understanding of the unusual 48 Ca 46 Ca abundance ratio measured in the solar system.