José A. C. Broekaert
Atomic spectroscopy: a review
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4653 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4653 Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4654 Volatile Species Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4654 Direct Solids Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4655 Continuum Source Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4655 Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry 4655 Atomic Emission Spectrometry 4656 DC Arc and Low-Power RF Radiation Sources 4656 Inductively Coupled Plasmas 4656 Microwave Induced Plasmas 4658 Microplasmas 4658 Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy 4658 Glow Discharge Optical Emission and Mass Spectrometry 4660 Fundamental Studies 4660 Methodological Studies and Applications of GD-OES and GDMS 4661 New GD Sourc…
Study of a new direct current atmospheric pressure glow discharge in helium
Abstract In this study a new DC-APGD operated in He was developed and characterized. The discharge is operated at 0.9 kV and about 25–35 mA and at a gas flow of 100 ml/min. The source was spectroscopically studied and parameters such as the rotational temperature (Trot), the excitation temperature (Texc), the ionization temperature (Tion) and the electron number density (ne) were determined. The current–voltage characteristic of the source was studied as well. At optimized conditions the discharge operates in the normal region of the current–voltage characteristic. Rotational and excitation temperatures determined with the use of OH band and Fe I lines as thermometric species were of the or…
Development and Optimization of Pre-Concentration Procedure of Rare-Earth Elements (REEs) in Their Minerals, Using Microwave - Assisted Sample Dissolution for ICP-Atomic Emission Spectrometric Detection
Abstract The aim of this research was to develop and optimize a procedure for determination of REEs in xenotime and monazite samples collected from Bangka Island, which were compared to Standard Monazite (71 AG) of Bureau of Analyzed Samples, London. ICP-OES method was used for the determination. The samples were dried and sterilized by heating for a week at 110 °C, before digesting with nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid, using a microwave-assisted digestion system. After a careful line selection, at the detection limits for all REEs in the ng/mL the REEs were reliably obtained at the 0.09 – 38% level.