Leila Muresan
ABSTRACT During gastrulation, embryonic cells become specified into distinct germ layers. In mouse, this continues throughout somitogenesis from a population of bipotent stem cells called neuromesodermal progenitors (NMps). However, the degree of self-renewal associated with NMps in the fast-developing zebrafish embryo is unclear. Using a genetic clone-tracing method, we labelled early embryonic progenitors and found a strong clonal similarity between spinal cord and mesoderm tissues. We followed individual cell lineages using light-sheet imaging, revealing a common neuromesodermal lineage contribution to a subset of spinal cord tissue across the anterior-posterior body axis. An initial pop…
Neuromesodermal Progenitors are a Conserved Source of Spinal Cord with Divergent Growth Dynamics
AbstractDuring gastrulation, embryonic cells become specified into distinct germ layers. In mouse, this continues throughout somitogenesis from a population of bipotent stem cells called neuromesodermal progenitors (NMps). However, the degree self-renewal is associated with NMps in the fast-developing zebrafish embryo is unclear. With a genetic clone tracing method, we labelled early embryonic progenitors and find a strong clonal similarity between spinal cord and mesoderm tissues. We then followed individual cell lineages by light-sheet imaging and reveal a common neuromesodermal lineage contribution to a subset of spinal cord tissue across the anterior-posterior body axis. An initial popu…