Ivan Alessio Maione
Systems engineering activities supporting the heating & current drive and fuelling lines systems integration in the European DEMO breeding blanket
This paper describes the contribution given by the application of the systems engineering approach to the European DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) integration studies, focussing on the integration of Heating & Current Drive (H&CD) and Fuelling Lines (FL) systems. In particular, attention has been paid to the BB-H&CD and BB-FL interfaces identification, definition and capture of the proper interface requirements necessary to drive the integration process and, as a consequence, supply a feedback for the reciprocal design of the interconnected systems. The defined interfaces are synthetically described in the paper and the results of the interface requirements capture process are shown,…
Structural assessment of the EU-DEMO WCLL Central Outboard Blanket segment under normal and off-normal operating conditions
Abstract Within the framework of the EUROfusion design activities concerning the EU-DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) system, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo with the aim of investigating the structural behaviour of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) Central Outboard Blanket (COB) segment. The assessment has been performed considering three different loading scenarios: the Normal Operation (NO), the Over-Pressurization (OP) and the Upward Vertical Displacement Event (VDE-up). In particular, NO scenario represents the loading case referring to the nominal operating conditions, whereas the OP scenario refers to the loading conditions due to an in-box LOCA…
Overview of the HCPB Research Activities in EUROfusion
In the framework of the EUROfusion’s Power Plant Physics and Technology, the working package breeding blanket (BB) aims at investigating four different BB concepts for an EU demonstration fusion reactor (DEMO). One of these concepts is the helium-cooled pebble bed (HCPB) BB, which is based on the use of pebble beds of lithiated ternary compounds and Be or beryllides as tritium breeder and multiplier materials, respectively, EUROFER97 as structural steel and He as coolant. This paper aims at giving an overview of the EU HCPB BB Research and Development (R&D) being developed at KIT, in collaboration with Wigner-RCP, BUTE-INT, and CIEMAT. The paper gives an outline of the HCPB BB design evolut…
Systems Engineering approach in support to the breeding blanket design
Abstract Nowadays the Systems Engineering (SE) methodology is applied in several fields of engineering and it represents a powerful interdisciplinary means to enable the realisation of complex systems taking into account the customer and Stakeholder´s needs. Also in the fusion community, this theme is becoming increasingly pressing and the implementation of the SE approach, from the early stage of design, is now a must. Indeed, within the framework of EUROfusion activities, SE method has been selected for capturing the system and interface requirements and for their management and verification with particular focus to the Breeding Blanket (BB) System of the European Demonstration Fusion Pow…