Paula Tuzón
Particle Physics in High School: A Diagnose Study
Abstract The science learning process improves when the contents are connected to students' lives. Particle physics has had a great impact in our society in the last years and has changed the theoretical picture about matter fundamental dynamics. Thus, we think that academic contents about matter components and interactions should be updated. With this study we aim to characterize the level of knowledge of high school students about this topic. We built a test with questions about classical atomic models, particle physics, recent discoveries, social implications and students opinions about it. Contrary to our first suspicion, students' answers show a high variability. They have new physics …
Yukawa Alignment in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model
5 páginas, 1 tabla.-- PACS numbers: 12.60.Fr, 11.30.Hv, 12.15.Mm, 14.80.Cp
Inquiry-based science education in primary school in Spain : teachers’ practices
Teaching science by inquiry allows students to develop scientific skills, which is key during primary school, and enhances learning. In this study we present the results of a survey to 63 primary school teachers in Spain about their practices in science class and their knowledge about inquiry-based science education (IBSE). Our results show that concept-based paradigm of science is predominant. Scientific skills, besides observation, are not developed, and the concept of research is restricted to bibliographic search. Teachers believe that IBSE is feasible in the Spanish educative system, although they identify the length of the curriculum and the lack of time are the main obstacles.
Charged-Higgs phenomenology in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model
The alignment in flavour space of the Yukawa matrices of a general two-Higgs-doublet model results in the absence of tree-level flavour-changing neutral currents. In addition to the usual fermion masses and mixings, the aligned Yukawa structure only contains three complex parameters zeta(f), which are potential new sources of CP violation [1]. For particular values of these three parameters all known specific implementations of the model based on discrete Z(2) symmetries are recovered. One of the most distinctive features of the two-Higgs-doublet model is the presence of a charged scalar H-+/-. In this work, we discuss its main phenomenological consequences in flavour-changing processes at …
Situación de la enseñanza de las ciencias por indagación en los planes de estudio de Grado de Maestro de Educación Primaria en España
En el presente trabajo se analizan 84 guías docentes de asignaturas de ciencias experimentales y/o su didáctica impartidas en el Grado en Maestro en Educación Primaria de universidades españolas. El análisis de la información contenida en ellas nos permite conocer la formación que proponen las guías docentes de asignaturas científicas de dicho grado y hasta qué punto la enseñanza de la ciencia por indagación está presente en su plan de formación. Los resultados indican una escasa formación científica de los futuros maestros y con poca presencia de la indagación. PALABRAS CLAVE: enseñanza de las ciencias, maestros en formación, indagación,Educación Primaria,guía docente. ABSTRACT: The presen…
From Continuous to Discontinuous Transitions in Social Diffusion
Models of social diffusion reflect processes of how new products, ideas or behaviors are adopted in a population. These models typically lead to a continuous or a discontinuous phase transition of the number of adopters as a function of a control parameter. We explore a simple model of social adoption where the agents can be in two states, either adopters or non-adopters, and can switch between these two states interacting with other agents through a network. The probability of an agent to switch from non-adopter to adopter depends on the number of adopters in her network neighborhood, the adoption threshold $T$ and the adoption coefficient $a$, two parameters defining a Hill function. In c…
La modelización usando corporeización en la Enseñanza de las Ciencias
En este trabajo proponemos la corporeización como herramienta didáctica para enseñar modelos y conceptos en diferentes conceptos básicos de la física y la química que aparecen a lo largo de cursos generales y específicos de ciencia. Presentamos una propuesta de diez modelizaciones con corporeización de fenómenos a escala microscópica y macroscópica y mostramos los resultados de un análisis cualitativo de un proceso de corporeización según el esquema de trabajo general. Los resultados muestran la sencillez con la que se discuten conceptos aparentemente complejos y cómo se alcanza la comprensión de la idea aceptada científicamente a partir de la propia modelización de los alumnos. Estos resul…
Constraints on the Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and CP violation
The Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (A2HDM) [Pich A. and Tuzon P. Yukawa Alignment in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. Phys. Rev. D80 , (2009), 091702. 0908.1554 ] describes a particular way of enlarging the scalar sector of the Standard Model (SM), with a second Higgs doublet which is aligned to first the one in flavour space. This implies the absence of flavour-changing neutral currents (FCNCs) at tree level and the presence of three complex parameters. Within this general approach, we analyze the charged Higgs phenomenology, including CP asymmetries in the K and B systems [Jung M., Pich A. and Tuzon P. Charged-Higgs phenomenology in the Aligned two-Higgs-doublet model 1006.0470 ].