The time course of face matching for featural and relational image manipulations
It was found recently that horizontal and vertical relationships of facial features are differently vulnerable to inversion (Goffaux & Rossion, 2007). When faces are upside down manipulations of vertical relations are difficult to detect, while only moderate performance deficits are found for manipulations of horizontal relations, or when features differ. We replicate the findings of Goffaux and Rossion, and record the temporal courses of face matching performance and the effects of inversion. For vertical relations and featural changes inversion effects arise immediately, starting with the first 50 ms of processing. For horizontal relations inversion effects are absent at brief timings, bu…
Holistic processing and reliance on global viewing strategies in older adults' face perception
There is increasing evidence that face recognition might be impaired in older adults, but it is unclear whether the impairment is truly perceptual, and face specific. In order to address this question we compared performance in same/different matching tasks with face and non-face objects (watches) among young (mean age 23.7) and older adults (mean age 70.4) using a context congruency paradigm (Meinhardt-Injac, Persike & Meinhardt, 2010, Meinhardt-Injac, Persike and Meinhardt, 2011a). Older adults were less accurate than young adults with both object classes, while face matching was notably impaired. Effects of context congruency and inversion, measured as the hallmarks of holistic processin…
The preview benefit for familiar and unfamiliar faces
Abstract Previewing distracters improves visual search – the preview benefit ( Watson & Humphreys, 1997 ). Recent fMRI evidence suggests that the preview benefit rests on active inhibition in brain regions concerned with spatial memory, as well as in content selective areas ( Allen, Humphreys, & Matthews, 2008 ). Using familiar and unfamiliar faces in a preview search task we show that search performance is much better with familiar than with unfamiliar faces. With both types of stimuli we obtained preview benefits of at least 10%, measured in terms of the advantage in reaction time relative to the no preview condition. The preview benefit increased up to 30% when distracter faces and their…
Development of visual systems for faces and objects: further evidence for prolonged development of the face system.
Background The development of face and object processing has attracted much attention; however, studies that directly compare processing of both visual categories across age are rare. In the present study, we compared the developmental trajectories of face and object processing in younger children (8–10 years), older children (11–13 years), adolescents (14–16 years), and adults (20–37). Methodology/Principal Findings We used a congruency paradigm in which subjects compared the internal features of two stimuli, while the (unattended) external features either agreed or disagreed independent of the identity of the internal features. We found a continuous increase in matching accuracy for faces…
The time course of face matching by internal and external features: Effects of context and inversion.
AbstractEffects of context and inversion were studied in face matching tasks by measuring proportion correct as a function of exposure duration. Subjects were instructed to attend either internal features (task A) or external features (task B) and matched two consecutive face stimuli, which included either congruent, incongruent, or no facial context features. In congruent contexts matching performance rose fast and took very similar courses for both types of facial features. With no contexts internal and external features were found to be matched at an equal speed, while incongruent contexts seriously delayed matching performance for internal, but not for external features. Analysing the e…
From development to aging: Holistic face perception in children, younger and older adults.
Few published reports examine the development of holistic face processing across the lifespan such that face-specific processes are adequately differentiated from general developmental effects. To address this gap in the literature, we used the complete design of the composite paradigm (Richler & Gauthier, 2014) with faces and non-face control objects (watches) to investigate holistic processing in children (8-10years), young adults (20-32years) and older adults (65-78years). Several modifications to past research designs were introduced to improve the ability to draw conclusions about the development of holistic processing in terms of face-specificity, response bias, and age-related differ…
The picture superiority effect in associative memory: A developmental study.
We tested whether semantic relatedness between to-be-remembered items and item presentation format (pictorial vs. verbal) affects associative recall. Fifty-nine children (11-13 years old) and forty young adults (age 18-30) completed a learning and recall task for semantically related (e.g., padlock-key) and unrelated (e.g., lemon-piano) picture-picture, word-picture, and word-word pairs. The data revealed memory advantage for semantically related item pairs, and for pictures compared to words. A picture superiority effect was found exclusively for pure picture pairs. Despite pronounced differences in memory accuracy, the effect of semantic relatedness and the picture superiority effect were…
Editorial: Face Perception across the Life-Span
Integration of internal and external facial features in 8- to 10-year-old children and adults.
Abstract Investigation of whole-part and composite effects in 4- to 6-year-old children gave rise to claims that face perception is fully mature within the first decade of life (Crookes & McKone, 2009). However, only internal features were tested, and the role of external features was not addressed, although external features are highly relevant for holistic face perception (Sinha & Poggio, 1996; Axelrod & Yovel, 2010, 2011). In this study, 8- to 10-year-old children and adults performed a same–different matching task with faces and watches. In this task participants attended to either internal or external features. Holistic face perception was tested using a congruency paradigm, in which f…
The Two-Systems Account of Theory of Mind: Testing the Links to Social- Perceptual and Cognitive Abilities
According to the two-systems account of theory of mind (ToM), understanding mental states of others involves both fast social-perceptual processes, as well as slower, reflexive cognitive operations (Frith and Frith, 2008; Apperly and Butterfill, 2009). To test the respective roles of specific abilities in either of these processes we administered 15 experimental procedures to a large sample of 343 participants, testing ability in face recognition and holistic perception, language, and reasoning. ToM was measured by a set of tasks requiring ability to track and to infer complex emotional and mental states of others from faces, eyes, spoken language, and prosody. We used structural equation m…
Theory of mind development from adolescence to adulthood: Testing the two-component model
The ability to infer mental and affective states of others is crucial for social functioning. This ability, denoted as Theory of Mind (ToM), develops rapidly during childhood, yet results on its development across adolescence and into young adulthood are rare. In the present study, we tested the two‐component model, measuring age‐related changes in social‐perceptual and social‐cognitive ToM in a sample of 267 participants between 11 and 25 years of age. Additionally, we measured language, reasoning, and inhibitory control as major covariates. Participants inferred mental states from non‐verbal cues in a social‐perceptual task (Eye Test) and from stories with faux pas in a social‐cognitive t…
The context congruency effect is face specific
There is evidence that faces are processed by specialized and independent modules that treat them as global configurations, or wholes (Axelrod & Yovel, 2010; Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997). The holistic nature of face perception has been demonstrated with several experimental paradigms designed to examine whether facial parts interact, or are accessed independently. A recently introduced paradigm (Meinhardt-Injac, Persike, & Meinhardt, 2010) measures the strength of contextual interaction among internal and external facial features in congruent and incongruent target/no-target relationships. For this paradigm it is shown that the context congruency effect is indeed face specific: A str…
Auditory Distraction by Meaningless Irrelevant Speech: A Developmental Study
Summary The irrelevant sound effect (ISE) typically refers to a disruptive effect of a to-be-ignored sound in serial recall tasks, where lists of visually presented items (digits and letters) must be recalled in serial order. Although extensively studied in adults, studies on developmental aspects of the ISE are scarce. The present study aims to increase our understanding of developmental changes of auditory distraction in children beyond serial recall. Two tasks (i.e., word categorization and evaluation of simple mathematical equations) were designed to test retrieval from semantic memory. Proportion correct and reaction times (adjusted for speed–accuracy tradeoff) were measured in 8–9 and…
The effect of texture on face identification and configural information processing
Shape and texture are an integral part of face identity. In the present study, the importance of face texture for face identification and detection of configural manipulation (i.e., spatial relation among facial features) was examined by comparing grayscale face photographs (i.e., real faces) and line drawings of the same faces. Whereas real faces provide information about texture and shape of faces, line drawings are lacking texture cues. A change-detection task and a forced-choice identification task were used with both stimuli categories. Within the change detection task, participants had to decide whether the size of the eyes of two sequentially presented faces had changed or not. After…
Age-related changes in amplitude, latency and specialization of ERP responses to faces and watches
Healthy aging is associated with impairments in face recognition. While earlier research suggests that these impairments arise during memory retrieval, more recent findings suggest that earlier mechanisms, at the perceptual stage, may also be at play. However, results are often inconsistent and very few studies have included a non-face control stimulus to facilitate interpretation of results with respect to the implication of specialized face mechanisms vs. general cognitive factors. To address these issues, P100, N170 and P200 event-related potentials (ERPs) were measured during processing of faces and watches. For faces, age-related differences were found for P100, N170 and P200 ERPs. For…
On Response Bias in the Face Congruency Effect for Internal and External Features
Some years ago Cheung et al. (2008) proposed the complete design (CD) for measuring the failure of selective attention in composite objects. Since the CD is a fully balanced design, analysis of response bias may reveal potential effects of the experimental manipulation, the stimulus material, and/or attributes of the observers. Here we used the CD to prove whether external features modulate perception of internal features with the context congruency paradigm (Nachson et al., 1995; Meinhardt-Injac et al., 2010) in a larger sample of N = 303 subjects. We found a large congruency effect (Cohen's d = 1.78), which was attenuated by face inversion (d = 1.32). The congruency relation also strongly…
The coupling between face and emotion recognition from early adolescence to young adulthood
Abstract In the present study, we investigated whether differentiation occurs between identity and emotion processing as development in both domains proceeds across adolescence and during the transition into young adulthood. A sample of 343 participants between 11 and 24 years performed the Glasgow Face Matching Task ( Burton, White, & McNeill, 2010 ) for identity-based face recognition and the Cambridge Face-Battery ( Golan, Baron-Cohen, & Hill, 2006 ) for complex emotion recognition. Our results show adult levels of face recognition by the end of early adolescence, while complex emotion recognition continues to develop into young adulthood. Although each ability matures at different rate,…
Encoding of faces and objects into visual working memory: an event-related brain potential study.
Visual working memory (VWM) is an important prerequisite for cognitive functions, but little is known on whether the general perceptual processing advantage for faces also applies to VWM processes. The aim of the present study was (a) to test whether there is a general advantage for face stimuli in VWM and (b) to unravel whether this advantage is related to early sensory processing stages. To address these questions, we compared encoding of faces and complex nonfacial objects into VWM within a combined behavioral and event-related brain potential (ERP) study. In detail, we tested whether the N170 ERP component - which is associated with face-specific holistic processing - is affected by mem…
Developmental changes in the microgenesis of face perception revealed by effects of context and inversion
AbstractPresent studies on the development of face perception mechanisms are ambiguous about the question of whether holistic face vision arises early, or in the second decade of life (Crookes & McKone, 2009). Measuring the time course of face matching we assess effects of context and inversion as correlates of holistic processing in the microgenesis of face perception within the first 650ms, and compare among 8- to 10-year-old children and adults. Results for adults indicate dominance of holistic viewing at brief timings, which is gradually replaced by feature selective strategies enabling them to selectively attend either internal or external features, as demanded by instruction. For chil…
Orientation-invariance of individual differences in three face processing tasks
Numerous studies have reported impairments in perception and recognition, and, particularly, in part-integration of faces following picture-plane inversion. Whether these findings support the notion that inversion changes face processing qualitatively remains a topic of debate. To examine whether associations and dissociations of the human face processing ability depend on stimulus orientation, we measured face recognition with the Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT), along with experimental tests of face perception and selective attention to faces and non-face objects in a sample of 314 participants. Results showed strong inversion effects for all face-related tasks, and modest ones for non-…
External and internal facial features modulate processing of vertical but not horizontal spatial relations.
Some years ago an asymmetry was reported for the inversion effect for horizontal (H) and vertical (V) relational face manipulations (Goffaux & Rossion, 2007). Subsequent research examined whether a specific disruption of long-range relations underlies the H/V inversion asymmetry (Sekunova & Barton, 2008). Here, we tested how detection of changes in interocular distance (H) and eye height (V) depends on cardinal internal features and external feature surround. Results replicated the H/V inversion asymmetry. Moreover, we found very different face cue dependencies for both change types. Performance and inversion effects did not depend on the presence of other face cues for detecting H changes.…
Does matching of internal and external facial features depend on orientation and viewpoint?
Although it is recognized that external (hair, head and face outline, ears) and internal (eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth) features contribute differently to face recognition it is unclear whether both feature classes predominately stimulate different sensory pathways. We employed a sequential speed-matching task to study face perception with internal and external features in the context of intact faces, and at two levels of contextual congruency. Both internal and external features were matched faster and more accurately in the context of totally congruent/incongruent facial stimuli compared to just featurally congruent/ incongruent faces. Matching of totally congruent/incongruent faces was no…
Holistic face processing is induced by shape and texture.
There is increasing evidence that shape and texture are integral parts of face identity. However, it is less clear whether face-specific processing mechanisms are triggered by face shape alone, or if texture might play an important role. We address this question by studying mechanisms involved in holistic face processing. Face stimuli were either full-color pictures of real faces (shape and texture) or line drawings of the same faces (shape without texture). In a change detection task subjects judged whether eyes and eyebrows in two otherwise identical, sequentially presented faces were different in size or not. Afterwards, subjects had to identify the just presented face among two distrac…
The context effect in face matching: Effects of feedback.
AbstractFaces are perceived holistically, even when they are presented briefly (Hole, 1994; Richler, Mack, et al., 2009). Results obtained with a context congruency paradigm support dominance of holistic processing for brief timings, but indicate that larger viewing times enable observers to regulate contextual influences, and to use a feature selective focus (Meinhardt-Injac, Persike, & Meinhardt, 2010). Here we provide further evidence for this claim, and illuminate the role of feedback. With trial by trial feedback observers show poor performance in incongruent facial contexts at brief timings, but become quite effective in suppressing information that interferes with the correct judgeme…
Age differences in the irrelevant sound effect: A serial recognition paradigm
In adults, the disrupting effect of irrelevant background sounds with distinct temporalspectral variations (changing-state sounds) on short-term memory performance was found to be robust. In the present study, a verbal serial recognition task was used to investigate this so-called Irrelevant Sound Effect (ISE) in adults and 8- to 10-year-old children. An essential part of the short-term memory impairment during changing-state speech is due to interference processes (changing-state effect) which can be differentiated from the deviation effect of auditory distraction. In line with recent findings (Hughes et al., 2013), our study demonstrates that the changing-state effect is not modulated by …
Age Differences in Face Processing: The Role of Perceptual Degradation and Holistic Processing
Abstract Objectives We simultaneously investigated the role of three hypotheses regarding age-related differences in face processing: perceptual degradation, impaired holistic processing, and an interaction between the two. Methods Young adults (YA) aged 20–33-year olds, middle-age adults (MA) aged 50–64-year olds, and older adults (OA) aged 65–82-year olds were tested on the context congruency paradigm, which allows measurement of face-specific holistic processing across the life span (Meinhardt-Injac, Persike & Meinhardt, 2014. Acta Psychologica, 151, 155–163). Perceptual degradation was examined by measuring performance with faces that were not filtered (FSF), with faces filtered to …
Data from: Orientation-invariance of individual differences in three face processing tasks
Numerous studies have reported impairments in perception and recognition, and, particularly, in part-integration of faces following picture-plane inversion. Whether these findings support the notion that inversion changes face processing qualitatively remains a topic of debate. To examine whether associations and dissociations of the human face processing ability depend on stimulus orientation, we measured face recognition with the Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT), along with experimental tests of face perception and selective attention to faces and non-face objects in a sample of 314 participants. Results showed strong inversion effects for all face-related tasks, and modest ones for non-…