Masaomi Ono

The fully developed remnant of a neutrino-driven supernova: Evolution of ejecta structure and asymmetries in SNR Cassiopeia A

Abridged. We aim at exploring to which extent the remnant keeps memory of the asymmetries that develop stochastically in the neutrino-heating layer due to hydrodynamic instabilities (e.g., convective overturn and the standing accretion shock instability) during the first second after core bounce. We coupled a 3D HD model of a neutrino-driven SN explosion with 3D MHD/HD simulations of the remnant formation. The simulations cover 2000 years of expansion and include all physical processes relevant to describe the complexities in the SN evolution and the subsequent interaction of the stellar debris with the wind of the progenitor star. The interaction of large-scale asymmetries left from the ea…

research product

3D MHD modeling of the expanding remnant of SN 1987A : role of magnetic field and non-thermal radio emission

Aims. We investigate the role played by a pre-supernova (SN) ambient magnetic field on the dynamics of the expanding remnant of SN 1987A and the origin and evolution of the radio emission from the remnant, in particular, during the interaction of the blast wave with the nebula surrounding the SN. Methods. We model the evolution of SN 1987A from the breakout of the shock wave at the stellar surface to the expansion of its remnant through the surrounding nebula by 3D MHD simulations. The model considers the radiative cooling, the deviations from equilibrium of ionization, the deviation from temperature-equilibration between electrons and ions, and a plausible configuration of the pre-SN ambie…

research product

3D modeling from the onset of the SN to the full-fledged SNR: Role of an initial ejecta anisotropy on matter mixing

The aim of this work is to bridge the gap between CC SNe and their remnants by investigating how post-explosion anisotropies in the ejecta influence the structure and chemical properties of the remnant at later times. We performed three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical simulations starting soon after the SN event and following the evolution of the system in the circumstellar medium (consisting of the wind of the stellar progenitor), for 5000 years, obtaining the physical scenario of a SNR. Here we focused the analysis on the case of a progenitor red supergiant of 19.8 M_sun. We also investigated how a post-explosion large-scale anisotropy in the SN affects the ejecta distribution and the …

research product

Matter Mixing in Aspherical Core-collapse Supernovae: Three-dimensional Simulations with Single Star and Binary Merger Progenitor Models for SN 1987A

We perform three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of aspherical core-collapse supernovae focusing on the matter mixing in SN 1987A. The impacts of four progenitor (pre-supernova) models and parameterized aspherical explosions are investigated. The four pre-supernova models include a blue supergiant (BSG) model based on a slow merger scenario developed recently for the progenitor of SN 1987A (Urushibata et al. 2018). The others are a BSG model based on a single star evolution and two red supergiant (RSG) models. Among the investigated explosion (simulation) models, a model with the binary merger progenitor model and with an asymmetric bipolar-like explosion, which invokes a jetlike explo…

research product

Three-dimensional Simulations from Supernovae to Their Supernova Remnants: The Dynamical and Chemical Evolution of Supernova 1987A

research product

Additional Evidence for a Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Heart of SN 1987A from Multiepoch X-Ray Data and MHD Modeling

Since the day of its explosion, supernova (SN) 1987A has been closely monitored to study its evolution and to detect its central compact relic. In fact, the formation of a neutron star is strongly supported by the detection of neutrinos from the SN. However, besides the detection in the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) data of a feature that is compatible with the emission arising from a proto-pulsar wind nebula (PWN), the only hint for the existence of such elusive compact object is provided by the detection of hard emission in NuSTAR data up to ~ 20 keV. We report on the simultaneous analysis of multi-epoch observations of SN 1987A performed with Chandra, XMM-Newton and…

research product

Hydrodynamic simulations unravel the progenitor-supernova-remnant connection in SN 1987A

(Abridged) We aim at linking the dynamical and radiative properties of the remnant of SN 1987A to the geometrical and physical characteristics of the parent aspherical SN explosion and to the internal structure of its progenitor star. We performed 3D hydrodynamic simulations which describe the long-term evolution of SN 1987A from the onset of the SN to the full-fledged remnant at the age of 50 years, accounting for the pre-SN structure of the progenitor star. The simulations include all physical processes relevant for the complex phases of SN evolution and for the interaction of the SNR with the highly inhomogeneous ambient environment around SN 1987A. From the simulations, we synthesize ob…

research product

Indication of a Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Hard X-Ray Emission from SN 1987A

Since the day of its explosion, SN 1987A (SN87A) was closely monitored with the aim to study its evolution and to detect its central compact relic. The detection of neutrinos from the supernova strongly supports the formation of a neutron star (NS). However, the constant and fruitless search for this object has led to different hypotheses on its nature. Up to date, the detection in the ALMA data of a feature somehow compatible with the emission arising from a proto Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) is the only hint of the existence of such elusive compact object. Here we tackle this 33-years old issue by analyzing archived observations of SN87A performed Chandra and NuSTAR in different years. We fir…

research product

Three-dimensional modeling from the onset of the SN to the full-fledged SNR. Role of an initial ejecta anisotropy on matter mixing

Context. The manifold phases in the evolution of a core-collapse (CC) supernova (SN) play an important role in determining the physical properties and morphology of the resulting supernova remnant (SNR). Thus, the complex morphology of SNRs is expected to reflect possible asymmetries and structures developed during and soon after the SN explosion. Aims. The aim of this work is to bridge the gap between CC SNe and their remnants by investigating how post-explosion anisotropies in the ejecta influence the structure and chemical properties of the remnant at later times. Methods. We performed three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical simulations starting soon after the SN event and following the…

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