H. Althoff
Translocation of the nuclear autoantigen La to the cell surface of herpes simplex virus type 1 infected cells.
Recently we developed a procedure to translocalize one of the extractable nuclear antigens (ENAs), the La protein, to the cell surface of CV-1 cells. Here we report that herpes simplex virus type 1 infection can also induce a translocation of the autoantigen to the cell surface. On the cell surface we detected La protein assembled with large protrusions. Within these protrusions La protein colocalized with virus particles. These protrusions are known to be released from the cell after virus infections. Such complexes consisting of self and virus could provide helper determinants for an anti-self response, and therefore be important in generation of autoimmunity.
Possible association of sudden infant death with partial complement C4 deficiency revealed by post-mortem DNA typing of HLA class II and III genes
Based on evidence of an increased rate of respiratory infections in sudden infant death (SID) infants as well as the observation of familial occurrence, we analysed in a retrospective study class II and class II genes of the major histocompatibility complex in 40 cases of SID by Southern blot analysis of DNA obtained post mortem from tissue samples. In 24 cases, the parents were interviewed and confirmatory human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) and DNA typing was carried out. Using HLA-DR beta and -DQ beta probes, no evidence of an abnormal HLA-DR frequency distribution in SID infants was detected (P = 0.97). Using DNA probes for the tandemly arranged complement C4 and steroid 21-hydroxylase genes…