C.-d. Gerharz
Interclonal heterogeneity in a human epithelioid-sarcoma cell line (Gru-1)
Three clonal sub-populations, GRU-IA, GRU-IB, and GRU-IC, isolated from the human epithelioid sarcoma cell line GRU-I, were characterized morphologically, cytogenetically and with regard to proliferation kinetics. Immunocytochemically, major differences became evident in the expression of cytokeratin 18 and neurofilament proteins, which are indicative for epithelial and neural differentiation respectively. Vimentin, a mesenchymal differentiation marker, however, could be detected in all tumor cells of each sub-population. Laminin, a major compound of basement membranes, formed abundant intercellular network-like patterns in GRU-IB and GRU-IC, whereas GRU-IA was characterized by a diffuse in…
Laser welded vascular anastomosis
A comparative study was undertaken to investigate the application of a specially adapted microsurgical Neodymium Yag Laser system with a wavelength of 1,319 microns and a CO2 laser system for laser assisted microvascular end-to-end anastomosis (LAMA) of the rat femoral artery. Conventionally sutured anastomoses served as controls. Postoperative investigations included patency tests, light microscopy and tensile strength measurements. Both laser systems seem to be equally suitable for LAMA: The patency rates do not differ from those of sutured anastomoses and formation of microscopically small aneurysms occurred predominantly in control animals and only once in laser groups. The clamp time n…
Characterization of a Human Carcinosarcoma Cell Line of the Ovary Established after in Vivo Change of Histologic Differentiation
Abstract Objectives. Cell lines are valuable in vitro models for clinical and basic research. Most ovarian cancer cell lines described are serous cystadenocarcinomas or poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas. The establishment of ovarian cancer cell lines with rare histologic differentiation is especially of interest. We describe the establishment of a carcinosarcoma cell line of the ovary after in vivo selection. Methods. The cell line OV-MZ-22 was established from a solid tumor mass in the upper abdomen. At the time of establishment, the patient underwent secondary debulking and was pretreated with six cycles of cis -platinum/epirubicin/cyclophosphamide. Features of the cell line studied i…
A pig model of hepatic cryotherapy. In vivo temperature distribution during freezing and histopathological changes
We aimed to assess the temperature distribution in the cryolesion during hepatic cryotherapy and the association with postoperative histological changes to optimise the technique and allow better preoperative planning. Hepatic cryolesions were produced in 22 pigs following laparotomy using a CMS-cryosystem and 8mm-AccuProbe-Cryoprobes. The temperature was measured in 1 min intervals at different distances from the probe during freezing. The animals were treated in 5 groups: (i) single freezing of 20 min; (ii) double freezing of 20 min each; (iii) single freezing of 40 min; (iv) single freezing of 20 min (n=4), histology at 1 week p.o., and (v) single freezing of 20 min and Pringle manoeuvre…
Laser — Klinische Anwendung
Der Neodym-YAG-Laser mit einer Emissionswellenlange von 1,06 μm besitzt eine hohe Penetrationstiefe ins Gewebe von ca. 5 mm mit einem homogenen Koagulationssaum. Bereits 1973 wurden von Mussiggang u. Mitarb. [3] Hautschnitte und Resektionen an Nieren, Leber und Milz im Tierversuch durchgefuhrt, die jedoch offensichtlich wegen der damals zur Verfugung stehenden Laserleistung von nur ca. 50 Watt nicht uberzeugend verliefen. Nach dem nunmehr der Neodym-YAG-Laser in der Urologie (insbesondere in der Behandlung des Blasentumorleidens und bei pathologischen Veranderungen am auseren Genitale) und anderen Fachdisziplinen nach Verbesserung des Instrumentariums und einer hoheren Leistung bei zahlreic…
Oxygenation Status of Rhabdomyosarcoma Spheroids with Different Stages of Differentiation
Multicellular tumor spheroids with regional heterogeneities of proliferation and substrate concentrations have been investigated recently to study the biological properties of small tumor nodules prior to onset of vascularization (for reviews see: Mueller-Klieser, 1987; Sutherland, 1988).
Temperaturgradient und histologische Veränderungen bei der tierexperimentellen Kryotherapie der Leber
Bei 22 Schweinen wurden Kryolasionen mit 8 mm-AccuProbe Kryosonden erzeugt. Die Temperatur in unterschiedlichen Abstanden von der Kryosonde und die Eisballdurchmesser wurden gemessen und die Kryolasionen nach 24 h und 1 Woche histologisch untersucht. Unterschiedliche Gefrier-Auftauzyklen wurden angewendet: a: Einfaches Einfrieren (20 min); b: Doppeltes Einfrieren (20 min); c: Einfaches Einfrieren (40 min); d: Einfaches Einfrieren (20 min) & Pringle Manover. Die mittleren Eisballdurchmesser am Ende der Einfriervorgange waren 59 mm (a), 78 mm (b), 75 mm (d). Die mittleren Durchmesser der Zone wo eine Temperatur von ≤ -40 °C erzielt wurde war 37 mm (a) und 46 mm (b-d). Histologisch zeigte …