A. Ordóñez

Somatic complaints, emotional awareness and maladjustment in schoolchildren

Introduction: Somatic complaints are common in childhood. Research has shown their relationship with emotional awareness and maladjustment. The study had three objectives: 1) to analyse the prevalence of somatic complaints; 2) to explore the relationships between the variables evaluated: somatic complaints, differentiating emotions, verbal sharing of emotions, not hiding emotions, body awareness, attending to others’ emotions, analysis of emotions, and personal, social, family, and school maladjustments; and 3) to identify predictors of somatic complaints. Patients and methods: The study included a total of 1134 randomly selected schoolchildren of both sexes between 10 and 12 years old (M =…

research product

White fish reduces cardiovascular risk factors in patients with metabolic syndrome: the WISH-CARE study, a multicenter randomized clinical trial.

Reduction of cardiovascular risk with high consumption of fish in diet is still a matter of debate, and concerns about heavy metal contamination have limited consumption of oily fish. We aimed to evaluate the effect of regular ingestion of white fish on cardiovascular risk factors in patients with metabolic syndrome.Multicenter randomized crossover clinical trial including 273 individuals with metabolic syndrome. An 8-week only-one dietary intervention: 100 g/d of white fish (Namibia hake) with advice on a healthy diet, compared with no fish or seafood with advice on a healthy diet. Outcomes were lipid profile, individual components of the metabolic syndrome, serum insulin concentrations, h…

research product

Quejas somáticas, conciencia emocional e inadaptación en población escolar

Resumen: Introducción: Las quejas somáticas son frecuentes en la infancia. La investigación ha puesto de manifiesto su relación con la conciencia emocional y la inadaptación. El estudio tuvo 3 objetivos: 1) analizar la prevalencia de las quejas somáticas; 2) explorar las relaciones entre las variables evaluadas: quejas somáticas, diferenciar emociones, comunicar verbalmente emociones, no esconder emociones, conciencia corporal, atender emociones de otros, análisis de las propias emociones, inadaptación personal, inadaptación social, inadaptación familiar e inadaptación escolar, y 3) identificar variables predictoras de las quejas somáticas. Pacientes y métodos: Los participantes, selecciona…

research product