Mari Punna
Kannattaako asiakkaan toimijuuden ja itseohjautuvuuden vahvistaminen?
Implementation and Outcomes of Lay Health Worker–led Self-management Interventions for Long-Term Conditions and Prevention: A Systematic Review
The aim of this study was to systematically review lay health worker (LHW)–led self-management interventions for adults with long-term conditions to see how the interventions have been implemented and to compose a synthesis of research findings, taking into consideration the intervention components that have been applied. We conducted systematic searches for articles published between January 2010 and December 2015 in five databases: Cochrane, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. Forty original studies were found that met the inclusion criteria: self-management with diabetes (n = 29), cardiovascular diseases (n = 8), and those at risk of cardiovascular diseases (n = 3). These cons…
Daily moods, health routines and recovery among employees working in the retail and services sector : A diary study
This study examined the quality and fluctuation of daily moods as well as health routines and means of recovery from work strain among employees (n = 38) working nonstandard, often unpredictable schedules in the retail and services sector in Finland. Data were collected via a background questionnaire and a one-week mobile diary. The results indicated that the daily moods of employees were relatively positive but varied greatly from day to day. Hectic working days, unpredictable changes in work schedules, and compounded responsibilities at home and work were reported as causes of daily strain stemming from work. In contrast, more sleep and exercise were positively associated with daily mood …
Kokemustieto yhteiskehittämisessä : hyppy asiakaslähtöisyyteen terveyspalveluissa
Perhe- ja lapsityön ammatilliset asiantuntijuudet kokemusasiantuntijuuden kontekstissa
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ryhmähaastatteluaineiston avulla lapsi- ja perhepalveluiden ammattilaisten asiantuntijuutta suhteessa kokemusasiantuntijuuteen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin kolme erilaista ammatillisen asiantuntijuuden muotoa. Ensimmäinen asiantuntijuuden muoto nimettiin yhteistyöasiantuntijuudeksi, mikä viittaa asiakkaiden kanssa yhteiseen tiedonmuodostukseen ja toimintaan. Toinen, perinteinen asiantuntijuus, taas pysyttelee tiukasti ammattiroolissa tarjoten vain rajoitetusti tilaa kokemusasiantuntijuudelle. Kolmatta ammatillisen asiantuntijuuden muotoa kutsutaan eettiseksi vartijuudeksi. Siinä painotus on käytännöllisesti ja konkreettisesti eettisyyden valvonnassa, mikä näkyy suht…
Individual differences in processes of lifestyle changes among people with obesity: an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) intervention in a primary health care setting
Abstract Aim: To explore what thoughts, feelings, and learning processes were involved in obese participants’ lifestyle change during an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) lifestyle intervention delivered in primary health care. Background: Previous studies have revealed that lifestyle interventions are effective at promoting initial weight loss, but reduced weight is often difficult to sustain because of the failure to maintain healthy lifestyle changes. Achieving and maintaining lifestyle changes requires to learn self-regulation skills. ACT-based lifestyle interventions combine many self-regulatory skill factors, and the results from previous studies are promising. Research on the i…
Implementation and Outcomes of Lay Health Worker-Led Self-Management Interventions for Long-Term Conditions and Prevention: A Systematic Review.
The aim of this study was to systematically review lay health worker (LHW)–led self-management interventions for adults with long-term conditions to see how the interventions have been implemented and to compose a synthesis of research findings, taking into consideration the intervention components that have been applied. We conducted systematic searches for articles published between January 2010 and December 2015 in five databases: Cochrane, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. Forty original studies were found that met the inclusion criteria: self-management with diabetes ( n = 29), cardiovascular diseases ( n = 8), and those at risk of cardiovascular diseases ( n = 3). These …
Perheohjauksen arviointitutkimus : lapsiperheiden saama varhainen tuki ja ohjaus Jämsän seudun Perhepalvelukeskus-kehittämishankkeessa
Can peer-tutored psychological flexibility training facilitate physical activity among adults with overweight?
Objective An increase in psychological flexibility has been found to be associated with health behavior changes. Peer-led interventions have been advantageous in improving physical activity among individuals at health risk. This study aimed to discover whether an ACT-based peer-tutored online intervention can increase self-reported physical activity participation and psychological flexibility among adults with overweight. Design The study was a non-randomized longitudinal intervention study. The intervention participants (N = 177) were primary health care clients with overweight. They participated in a 24-month program provided by health services, including three online modules of ACT of si…