Martin Müllner
Stimulation of Fe-S cluster insertion into apoFNR by Escherichia coli glutaredoxins 1, 2 and 3 in vitro.
Abstract The oxygen sensor fumarate nitrate reductase regu-lator (FNR) of Escherichia coli contains in the active (anaerobic)state a [4Fe–4S] 2þ cluster which is lost after exposure to O 2 .Inaerobically prepared apoFNR, or in FNR obtained by treatmentof [4Fe–4S] FNR with O 2 in vitro, intramolecular cysteinedisulfides are found, including the cysteine residues which serveas ligands for the Fe–S cluster. It is shown here that thereconstitution of [4Fe–4S] FNR from this form of aerobicapoFNR was preceded by a long lag phase when glutathione wasused as the reducing agent. Addition of E. coli glutaredoxins(Grx) 1, 2 or 3 decreased the lag phase greatly and stimulatedthe reconstitution rate slig…
Sensing of Oxygen by Bacteria
A PAS domain with an oxygen labile [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster in the oxygen sensor kinase NreB of Staphylococcus carnosus.
The cytoplasmic histidine sensor kinase NreB of Staphylococcus carnosus responds to O(2) and controls together with the response regulator NreC the expression of genes of nitrate/nitrite respiration. nreBC homologous genes were found in Staphylococcus strains and Bacillus clausii, and a modified form was found in some Lactobacillus strains. NreB contains a sensory domain with similarity to heme B binding PAS domains. Anaerobically prepared NreB of S. carnosus exhibited a (diamagnetic) [4Fe-4S](2+) cluster when assessed by Mossbauer spectroscopy. Upon reaction with air, the cluster was degraded with a half-life of approximately 2.5 min. No significant amounts of Mossbauer or EPR detectable i…