Stimulation of Fe-S cluster insertion into apoFNR by Escherichia coli glutaredoxins 1, 2 and 3 in vitro.
Abstract The oxygen sensor fumarate nitrate reductase regu-lator (FNR) of Escherichia coli contains in the active (anaerobic)state a [4Fe–4S] 2þ cluster which is lost after exposure to O 2 .Inaerobically prepared apoFNR, or in FNR obtained by treatmentof [4Fe–4S] FNR with O 2 in vitro, intramolecular cysteinedisulfides are found, including the cysteine residues which serveas ligands for the Fe–S cluster. It is shown here that thereconstitution of [4Fe–4S] FNR from this form of aerobicapoFNR was preceded by a long lag phase when glutathione wasused as the reducing agent. Addition of E. coli glutaredoxins(Grx) 1, 2 or 3 decreased the lag phase greatly and stimulatedthe reconstitution rate slig…