Quang Hon Tran
Stimulation of Fe-S cluster insertion into apoFNR by Escherichia coli glutaredoxins 1, 2 and 3 in vitro.
Abstract The oxygen sensor fumarate nitrate reductase regu-lator (FNR) of Escherichia coli contains in the active (anaerobic)state a [4Fe–4S] 2þ cluster which is lost after exposure to O 2 .Inaerobically prepared apoFNR, or in FNR obtained by treatmentof [4Fe–4S] FNR with O 2 in vitro, intramolecular cysteinedisulfides are found, including the cysteine residues which serveas ligands for the Fe–S cluster. It is shown here that thereconstitution of [4Fe–4S] FNR from this form of aerobicapoFNR was preceded by a long lag phase when glutathione wasused as the reducing agent. Addition of E. coli glutaredoxins(Grx) 1, 2 or 3 decreased the lag phase greatly and stimulatedthe reconstitution rate slig…
Changes in the proton potential and the cellular energetics of Escherichia coli during growth by aerobic and anaerobic respiration or by fermentation.
The energetic parameters of Escherichia coli were analyzed for the aerobic/anaerobic transition. The electrochemical proton potential (delta p) across the cytoplasmic membrane was determined in the steady state of respiration with O2, nitrate, fumarate, dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO), and for fermentation. With O2, a proton potential of -160 mV was obtained. For anaerobic respiration with nitrate, fumarate or Me2SO, delta p decreased only slightly by about 20 mV in contrast to earlier assumptions, whereas delta p dropped by approximately 40 mV during fermentation. Under all conditions, the membrane potential (delta psi) contributed the major portion to delta p. The cellular ATP levels were highe…
Role of glutathione in the formation of the active form of the oxygen sensor FNR ([4Fe-4S]·FNR) and in the control of FNR function
The oxygen sensor regulator FNR (fumarate nitrate reductase regulator) of Escherichia coli is known to be inactivated by O2 as the result of conversion of a [4Fe-4S] cluster of the protein into a [2Fe-2S] cluster. Further incubation with O2 causes loss of the [2Fe-2S] cluster and production of apoFNR. The reactions involved in cluster assembly and reductive activation of apoFNR isolated under anaerobic or aerobic conditions were studied in vivo and in vitro. In a gshA mutant of E. coli that was completely devoid of glutathione, the O2 tension for the regulatory switch for FNR-dependent gene regulation was decreased by a factor of 4–5 compared with the wild-type, suggesting a role for glutat…
Requirement for the Proton-Pumping NADH Dehydrogenase I of Escherichia Coli in Respiration of NADH to Fumarate and Its Bioenergetic Implications
In Escherichia coli the expression of the nuo genes encoding the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase I is stimulated by the presence of fumarate during anaerobic respiration. The regulatory sites required for the induction by fumarate, nitrate and O2 are located at positions around –309, –277, and downstream of –231 bp, respectively, relative to the transcriptional-start site. The fumarate regulator has to be different from the O2 and nitrate regulators ArcA and NarL. For growth by fumarate respiration, the presence of NADH dehydrogenase I was essential, in contrast to aerobic or nitrate respiration which used preferentially NADH dehydrogenase II. The electron transport from NADH to fumarate …
Pyruvate fermentation by Oenococcus oeni and Leuconostoc mesenteroides and role of pyruvate dehydrogenase in anaerobic fermentation.
ABSTRACT The heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria Oenococcus oeni and Leuconostoc mesenteroides are able to grow by fermentation of pyruvate as the carbon source (2 pyruvate → 1 lactate + 1 acetate + 1 CO 2 ). The growth yields amount to 4.0 and 5.3 g (dry weight)/mol of pyruvate, respectively, suggesting formation of 0.5 mol ATP/mol pyruvate. Pyruvate is oxidatively decarboxylated by pyruvate dehydrogenase to acetyl coenzyme A, which is then converted to acetate, yielding 1 mol of ATP. For NADH reoxidation, one further pyruvate molecule is reduced to lactate. The enzymes of the pathway were present after growth on pyruvate, and genome analysis showed the presence of the corresponding st…