David L. Sales
Growth of low-density vertical quantum dot molecules with control in energy emission
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License.-- This article is part of the series 8th International Workshop on Epitaxial Semiconductors on Patterned Substrates and Novel Index Surfaces.
Morphological evolution of InAs/InP quantum wires through aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy
Evolution of the size, shape and composition of self-assembled InAs/InP quantum wires through the Stranski–Krastanov transition has been determined by aberration-corrected Z-contrast imaging. High resolution compositional maps of the wires in the initial, intermediate and final formation stages are presented. (001) is the main facet at their very initial stage of formation, which is gradually reduced in favour of {114} or {118}, ending with the formation of mature quantum wires with {114} facets. Significant changes in wire dimensions are measured when varying slightly the amount of InAs deposited. These results are used as input parameters to build three-dimensional models that allow calcu…