Mareks Niklass
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2012/2013. Ilgtspējīga nācija
Pārskats par tautas attīstību sagatavots valsts pētījumu programmas «Nacionālā identitāte» ietvaros.
The results of a survey carried out in Latvia in 2015 are examined to estimate the scope and depth of in-work poverty. The widely used EU-SILC data considerably underestimate in-work poverty in Latvia. Logistic regression analysis indicates that persons with low education, poor health, persons of pre-retirement age, and those employed in non-standard work arrangements are more likely exposed to a high in-work poverty risk. Social transfers and the income of other household members do not significantly reduce this risk. The Latvian government should provide adequate social protection and funding to alleviate the in-work poverty problem.
This study seeks to find out how social welfare policy preferences have changed over time and what factors account for those preferences in Latvia. The author analyses ISSP survey data gathered in 1996, 2007 and 2016. The data analysis shows that most Latvians still support government interventions in providing social welfare. However, economic factors like material wellbeing and self-interest have decreased the overall support for social welfare policies during the last 20 years. The article provides a long-term perspective missing in previous studies on social welfare policy preferences in Eastern Europe.
Loneliness of seniors in long-term care institutions and COVID-19 restrictions
The ageing of society is a significant social and economic challenge in the 21st century Europe. The article analyses loneliness and social isolation among seniors in long-term care (LTC) institutions, as well as how COVID-19 restrictions influence their social isolation. Loneliness and social isolation are different phenomena, but they are interconnected. The feeling of loneliness is a person’s psychological state, but it is especially exacerbated among seniors. Loneliness is closely linked to the deficit of social relations. The study employs a mixed methods approach: a survey using the UCLA Loneliness Scale and semi-structured interviews with social workers in LTC institutions during the…
Social capital and religious and civic participation in Riga, Latvia: findings from the 2014 social survey
ABSTRACTThe article discusses the link between religious and civic participation in Riga based on the data obtained from a social survey in 2014. Religious and civic participation is a prerequisite for building social capital within a local community. Four types of relationships between civic and religious engagement have been identified: (1) individuals with no religious or civic activity; (2) religiously active individuals with no civic activity; (3) individuals involved in civic activities but who are religiously inactive; and (4) individuals involved in both religious and civic activities. Although the survey data indicate a weak correlation between civic and religious activities, relig…
Jauniešu ar zemu izglītību iekļaušanās darba tirgū Latvijā
Anotācija Promocijas darba nosaukums: Jauniešu ar zemu izglītību iekļaušanās darba tirgū Latvijā Promocijas darba autors: Mg.soc. Mareks Niklass Promocijas darba vadītājs: prof. Dr.soc. Aivars Tabuns Promocijas darba mērķis ir noskaidrot faktorus, kuri kavē vai veicina jauniešu ar zemu izglītību iekļaušanos darba tirgū Latvijā, kā arī pārbaudīt Herberta Saimona ierobežotās racionalitātes teorijas, Ulriha Beka riska sabiedrības teorijas un Marka Granovettera vājo saišu teoriju validitāti. Darbā autors izvirza šādu hipotēzi: jaunieši ar zemu izglītību racionālu apsvērumu vadīti nokļūst labklājības slazdā, kas liedz viņiem iespēju iegūt darba pieredzi un kontaktus, kā arī ierobežo viņu karjera…