Līga Rasnača
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2012/2013. Ilgtspējīga nācija
Pārskats par tautas attīstību sagatavots valsts pētījumu programmas «Nacionālā identitāte» ietvaros.
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2015/2016. Dzīves meistarība un informācijpratība
Latvia. Human Development Report 2015/2016. Mastery of Life and Information Literacy
Risks While Deinstitutionalizing Long-Term Elderly Care: The Case of Latvia
The study deals with the deinstitutionalization of long-term care for elderly people in Latvia. The aim of this study is to identify the risks that elderly people, discharged from long-term care institutions, are likely to face. The research method of this case study is document analysis and a semi-structured interview. The research shows that some mismatch between the declared political aims and the current situation which was clarified through interviews exists. The identified risks have been grouped, analysed, conclusions drawn are provided in the paper.
Darba tirgus attiecības Latvijas mazajās pilsētās un laukos
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