Olga Rajevska
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2012/2013. Ilgtspējīga nācija
Pārskats par tautas attīstību sagatavots valsts pētījumu programmas «Nacionālā identitāte» ietvaros.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the WHO on March 11, 2020, due to its high infection rate, which caused thousands of deaths worldwide and expanding. The evolving outbreak of COVID-19 requires health-protective behavior that can alleviate the severity of an epidemic. Therefore, recognizing the underlying drivers of health-protective behavior against COVID-19 is urgently needed to form policy responses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the individual-level underlying drivers affecting the formation of knowledge, attitudes, and COVID-19-related health-protective behavior among individuals aged 50 and older who are more vulnerable to complications …
Pensiju adekvātums un taisnīgums kā pensiju sistēmas institucionālā dizaina funkcijas: Baltijas valstu gadījums
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus
Social policy reforms in Latvia
Theoretical Old-Age Pension Benefits and Replacement Rates in the Baltic States: A Retrospective Simulation
Abstract The author presents a comparative analysis of old-age pension systems in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania using a method of retrospective simulation run on a self-developed model. The model baseline case is a person retiring in December 2014 after 40 years of service with nationwide average salary. Other cases include low and high-earners, funded schemes participants and simulations for modified notional capital valorisation formulae. Three study countries return very dissimilar results, which is caused by differences in their pension systems’ designs. Lack of non-contributory element (basic pension) in Latvia leads to a low degree of progressivity, with inexcusably low pensions to lo…
Why the share of small amount pensions is so substantial in Latvia?
More than 70% of all old-age pensions in Latvia are smaller than 300 euro, which is close to the monetary value of the at-risk-of-poverty threshold. There is a number of reasons for it: the lack of non-contributory component and inadequately low minimum pensions, the absence of redistribution mechanisms in the mandatory notional defined contribution (pillar I) and funded (pillar II) schemes, an unfair conversion of pre-reform employment record into pension formula, and a high tax burden on pensioners. The authors proposed a package of measures to improve the situation: an introduction of basis pensions, linking minimum pensions to the country average wages, increasing income tax exempt for …
Pensiju sistēmu drošība Baltijas valstīs
Darbs analīzē pensiju sistēmas drošību, ienesīgumu un ilgtspēju Baltijas valstīs uz novecošanas un globālas ekonomiskās un finansiālās krīzes fona. Pirmajā nodaļā sniegts pensiju sistēmas raksturojums un klasifikācija, kā arī pensiju ekonomikas analīze ārpus konkrētas valsts konteksta. Otrajā nodaļā pensiju sistēmas funkcionēšana tiek apskatīta plašākā kontekstā un tiek analizēti faktori, kas ietekmē patreizējo Baltijas valstu pensiju sistēmu. Trešajā nodaļā ir izklāstīts Igaunijas, Latvijas un Lietuvas pensiju likumdošanas apskats ar īsu retrospektīvu par pensiju sistēmu attīstību kopš XX gadsimta deviņdesmitajiem gadiem. Ceturtajā nodaļā tiek piedāvāts reģiona pensiju sistēmu mūsdienu izp…
Sustainability of Pension Systems in the Baltic States
Objective: The objective of the paper is to identify how the concept of sustainability is understood and ensured in the pension systems of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania; and what implications it brings to the performance of pension schemes. Research Design & Methods: Analysis of various conceptual and methodological approaches to the notion of sustainability of pension systems. Comparative analysis of present pension legislation, as well as preceding stage of pension reforms, accompanied by a number of numerical models. Findings: The understanding of sustainability is limited by narrow ‘fiscal’ meaning in Latvia, compared to more a multifaceted concept that includes the principle of socia…