B.-y. Park
Proton spin and the cheshire cat principle
Abstract We discuss the proton matrix element of the flavor-singlet axial current (FSAC), often referred to as proton spin, in terms of the chiral bag model with due account of the axial anomaly and quantum number fractionation. We conclude that the contribution due to gluons is significant for large bag radii and that it is crucial in order to establish the Cheshire cat principle.
Gluonic contributions in the chiral hyperbag
Abstract We incorporate into a non-perturbative chiral bag model scheme the gluons and the η' in a perturbative fashion. We analyze in this context the proton matrix element for the flavor singlet axial current, where due account is taken of the anomaly, and the delta-nucleon mass difference. Our results show that the contribution due to the gluons is significant for large bag radii and that they are crucial in order to establish the Cheshire cat principle.