Seppo Laaksonen
The associations of indoor environment and psychosocial factors on the subjective evaluation of Indoor Air Quality among lower secondary school students: a multilevel analysis
Subjective evaluation of Indoor Air Quality (subjective IAQ) reflects both building-related and psychosocial factors, but their associations have rarely been studied other than on the individual level in occupational settings and their interactions have not been assessed. Therefore, we studied whether schools' observed indoor air problems and psychosocial factors are associated with subjective IAQ and their potential interactions. The analysis was performed with a nationwide sample (N = 195 schools/26946 students) using multilevel modeling. Two datasets were merged: (i) survey data from students, including information on schools' psychosocial environment and subjective IAQ, and (ii) data fr…
Treating missing data in a clinical neuropsychological dataset--data imputation.
Missing data frequently reduce the applicability of clinically collected data in research requiring multivariate statistics. In data imputation, missing values are replaced by predicted values obtained from models based on auxiliary information. Our aim was to complete a clinical child neuropsychological data set containing 5.2% of missing observations. This was to be used in research requiring multivariate statistics. We compared four data imputation methods by artificially deleting some data. A real-donor imputation method which preserved the parameter estimates and which predicted the observed values with acceptable accuracy was used to complete the data set. In addressing the lack of st…
Does ICT Usage Erode Routine Occupations at the Firm Level?
We present decompositions and regression analyses that evaluate the routinization hypothesis and occupational polarization at the firm level. We establish two important facts. First, the results for the increasing abstract and declining routine occupation shares of total wage bill are consistent with the routinization hypothesis at the firm level. Second, the observed changes coincide with the usage of ICT in firms. This implies that disappearing middle-level (routine) work can be traced to firm-level technological change. Peer reviewed
Family influence on firm performance: Finnish publicly held family firm perspective
The study aims at examining the effect of family influence on firm performance. An empirical focus is put on comparison of return on investment of publicly held family and non family firms in Finland. The income statement and balance sheet data of the companies covers the years 2000–2005. The study shows that families are present in 25% of the companies listed on the OMX Helsinki, Finland Stock Exchange. The data indicates that publicly held family firms create close the same value added per employee than non-family firms. According to the results, family firms are less indebted and perform slightly better than non-family firms measured by return on investment. The observations of the study…
Indoor air problems and the perceived social climate in schools: A multilevel structural equation analysis
Indoor air problems in schools appear to influence learning outcomes and absence rates. However, previous research has not investigated whether indoor air problems influence the social climate of schools. Therefore, we studied whether indoor air problems observed in schools associate with students' perceptions of the teacher-student relationship and class spirit. The nationwide sample of Finnish schools (N = 194 schools/27153 students) was analyzed using multilevel structural equation modeling. Data on the schools' social climate collected from students were merged with independently collected data on observed indoor air problems from school principals. We found that the teacher-student rel…