Agnis Rečs
STOP 8: Morphology and arrangement of glaciokarst kettles at Vietalva village
Does glacial environment produce glacial mineral grains? Pro- and supra-glacial Icelandic sediments in microtextural study
Abstract Mineral grains from proglacial and supraglacial sedimentary settings in central south-eastern Iceland are considered in this study and analysed with the use of scanning electron microscope (SEM) techniques. By applying this, it is attempted to answer the key research question of whether quartz grains that come from a glacial-related sedimentary environment are indeed of glacial origin. The study also attempts to provide a linkage between microtextures produced on coarser and finer grains and to verify whether mineral grains from adjacent cryconite holes are similar or different. The preliminary assumption was that the more intense glacial grain record was based on several glacial a…
Detailed subglacial topography and drumlins at the marginal zone of Múlajökull outlet glacier, central Iceland: Evidence from low frequency GPR data
Abstract New ground penetrating radar (GPR) observations on the Mulajokull surge-type outlet glacier, central Iceland, are presented. Overall 10.5 km of GPR profile lines were recorded parallel to the glacier margin in August, 2015. Detailed GPR investigations combined with high-accuracy GPS measurements allowed to build a high-resolution model of the subglacial topography. We provide new evidence of streamlined ridges beneath Mulajokull’s marginal zone interpreted as drumlins and show the location of the upper edge of the drumlin field. This discovery improves understanding of the location, morphology and development of drumlins as other geophysical observations of subglacial bedforms bene…