M. Portera
Aids in sicily: Prevalence of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in low and high risk groups
A seroepidemiological survey, carried out to evaluate the prevalence of antibodies to HIV in patients with ARC and in healthy individuals at risk for AIDS, showed the infection to be widespread in the groups at risk, namely in drug abusers and hemophiliacs. However, remarkable difference existed between the prevalence of antibodies to HIV in drug abusers of the city of Palermo and those of other Sicilian provinces. Spread of the virus among Sicilian thalassemics, however, was very low and quite similar in all geographic areas. Antibodies were found very rarely (0.06%) in unpaid voluntary blood donors. The spread of the virus is still confined in high risk groups, and the major part of the s…
Free and antibody-complexed antigen and antibody profile in apparently healthy HIV seropositive individuals and in AIDS patients.
The pattern of free and antibody-complexed HIV antigen and the antibody profile were investigated retrospectively in 305 serum samples taken from 22 AIDS patients before and during the development of AIDS and from 40 apparently healthy seropositive individuals. Most AIDS patients were found positive for both free and complexed antigen and had high gp41 antibody titres but low or undetectable p24 antibody. Four different patterns of HIV antigenaemia were observed: 1) positive for both free and complexed antigen; 2) negative for free HIV antigen at first, but always positive for complexed antigen; 3) positive for free antigen without complexed antigen; and 4) negative for both free and comple…
main routes of trasmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in a family setting in Palermo: some biological properties of the new isolated.
Neutralizing antibody and clinical status of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals
An assay based on inhibition of cytopathic effect of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) strains in Molt 4 cells was developed to quantitate neutralizing antibodies (NA) in sera of HIV-infected individuals. The assay was specific and gave results comparable to those obtained by the inhibition of immunofluorescence (IFI) and reverse transcriptase (RT) activity. Attempts were made to correlate the presence and the antibody titres with the clinical status of HIV-infected individuals classified according to Walter Reed staging classification scheme. NA titres correlated inversely with the stage of HIV infection: Compared with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients, HIV-infected subje…
Main routes of trasmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)infection in a family setting in Palermo, Italy.
A cross-sectional seroepidemiologic study was carried out on household contacts and sexual partners of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody-positive intravenous drug abusers in Palermo, Italy, in 1985 to evaluate factors that influenced HIV transmission. A total of 43 index cases, 36 spouses or heterosexual partners, 28 children, and 55 adult household members were enrolled. None of the household members without sexual contact, who had shared items and facilities and had interacted with the index cases, contracted HIV infection. However, six of 36 sexual partners had antibodies to HIV. It was observed that the risk of HIV infection was significantly associated with the frequency of s…
A cross-sectional seroepidemiologic study was carried out on household contacts and sexual partners of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody-positive intravenous drug abusers in Palermo, Italy, in 1985 to evaluate factors that influenced HIV transmission. A total of 43 index cases, 36 spouses or heterosexual partners, 28 children, and 55 adult household members were enrolled. None of the household members without sexual contact, who had shared items and facilities and had interacted with the index cases, contracted HIV infection. However, six of 36 sexual partners had antibodies to HIV. It was observed that the risk of HIV infection was significantly associated with the frequency of s…