Matteo Ippolito


Evaluation of air temperature estimated by ERA5-Land reanalysis using surface data in Pernambuco, Brazil.

This study aimed to analyze the average air temperature data estimated by ERA5-Land reanalysis over 10 years (01/01/2011 to 12/31/2020), based on data from 12 automatic weather stations located in different cities in the state of Pernambuco, northeast of Brazil. For more careful evaluation, the average air temperature data were stratified by mesoregions of the state. ERA5-Land reanalysis data were validated using statistical indices that evaluated the accuracy. The average air temperature estimated by ERA5-Land reanalysis agree well with weather stations in almost the entire state of Pernambuco. The highest accuracy of the average air temperature estimated by ERA5-Land occurred in the city …

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Estimating crop coefficients and actual evapotranspiration in citrus orchards with sporadic cover weeds based on ground and remote sensing data

AbstractAccurate estimations of actual crop evapotranspiration are of utmost importance to evaluate crop water requirements and to optimize water use efficiency. At this aim, coupling simple agro-hydrological models, such as the well-known FAO-56 model, with remote observations of the land surface could represent an easy-to-use tool to identify biophysical parameters of vegetation, such as the crop coefficient Kc under the actual field conditions and to estimate actual crop evapotranspiration. This paper intends, therefore, to propose an operational procedure to evaluate the spatio-temporal variability of Kc in a citrus orchard characterized by the sporadic presence of ground weeds, based o…

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Comparing the use of ERA5 reanalysis dataset and ground-based agrometeorological data under different climates and topography in Italy

Study region: The study region is represented by seven irrigation districts distributed under different climate and topography conditions in Italy. Study focus: This study explores the reliability and consistency of the global ERA5 single levels and ERA5-Land reanalysis datasets in predicting the main agrometeorological estimates commonly used for crop water requirements calculation. In particular, the reanalysis data was compared, variable-by-variable (e.g., solar radiation, R; air temperature, T; relative humidity, RH; wind speed, u; reference evapotranspiration, ET), with in situ agrometeorological observations obtained from 66 automatic weather stations (2008–2020). In addition, the pre…

research product

Combining the FAO56 agrohydrological model and remote sensing data to assess water demand in a Sicilian irrigation district

<p>Agricultural water use in irrigated areas plays a key role in the Mediterranean regions characterized by semi-arid climate and water shortage. In the face of optimizing irrigation water use, farmers must revise their irrigation practices to increase the drought resilience of agricultural systems and to avoid severe damages in agro-ecosystems. In this direction, during the last decades, the research has been focused on mathematical models to simulate the process of driving mass transport and energy exchanges in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere system.</p><p>The objective of the paper was to test the suitability of the combination of FAO56 agro-hydrologi…

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