T. Herth
An interdisciplinary study towards a multiaxial classification of male sexual dysfunction
The classification of male sexual dysfunction (SD) was investigated in a multidisciplinary study involving a sample of 25 outpatients whose phenomenology, course and biologic comorbidity is described. All 25 patients were suffering from arousal disorders; 9 men complained of lack of desire and 9 of orgasm disorders. For the vast majority (19/25), the arousal disorder preceded the other sexual dysfunctions. Eleven patients suffered from a psychopathological disorder according to DSM-III or DSM-III-R (Axis I and II), with general anxiety, major depression and obsessive-compulsive personality being the most common disorders. Only 6 patients were free of any organic disorder or pathological lab…
Sleep-electroencephalography and the secretion of cortisol and growth hormone in normal controls.
Abstract. Sleep-electroencephalography, and the nocturnal secretion of cortisol and GH were investigated simultaneously in a sample of 25 male normal controls (27.1 ± 1.3 years) in order further to examine interaction between sleep structure and concurrent endocrine activity. Slow wave sleep activity was increased during the first part of the night, whereas cortisol concentration was low and GH output reached maximal levels. The second half of the night was characterized by a relative preponderance of REM-sleep, low GH-concentration, and an increase in cortisol. However, no distinct reciprocal interaction between cortisol and GH concentration was noted. In all subjects, a pronounced GH surg…
Development of a rating scale for quantitative measurement of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome
The alcohol withdrawal syndrome consists of autonomic, neurological and mental symptoms. For its assessment, these symptoms have to be rated in a quantitative and valid manner. We developed a new rating scale for mild and moderate alcohol withdrawal states. Difficulty, discrimination coefficient, internal consistency, and the principal component analysis were assessed. External validation was tested on a separate sample of inpatients. Eight of 12 original items fulfilled test-the-oretical criteria. From these a psychosensory and an autonomic factor have been extracted. This instrument can be used repeatedly for clinical assessment as well as for evaluation of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome…