Lee J. Baumgartner
Technical Solutions to Mitigate Shifting Fish Fauna Zones Impacted by Long Term Habitat Degradation in the Bistra Mărui River – Study Case
Abstract The Bistra Mărului River fish fauna has been severely impacted by man-made activities, especially through longitudinal fragmentation, over the past 40 years. Fish fauna monitoring revealed structural changes and technical methods have been proposed, in order to restore the natural connectivity and the conservation of fish species. Benefits should accrue for key species: Salmo trutta fario, Cottus gobio, Thymallus thymallus, Eudontomyzon danfordi, Eudontomyzon vladykovi, Gobio uranoscopus, Barbus meridionalis, and Condrostoma nasus.
Upper Caraş River (Danube watershed) fish populations fragmentation – technical rehabilitation proposal
Abstract We propose a technical solution for fish movement based on the flow of water over a spill threshold. Such barriers are common in the Danube system. The proposed system has a range of operating components which are easily detachable from the spill threshold, are resistant to corrosion and will not harm the fish. In fact, if designed to complement swimming abilities of target fish, it should provide adequate passage for both adults and juveniles. If implemented correctly, the design may offer a solution to help displaced fish recolonize upstream habitats.