Răzvan Voicu
Technical Solutions to Mitigate Shifting Fish Fauna Zones Impacted by Long Term Habitat Degradation in the Bistra Mărui River – Study Case
Abstract The Bistra Mărului River fish fauna has been severely impacted by man-made activities, especially through longitudinal fragmentation, over the past 40 years. Fish fauna monitoring revealed structural changes and technical methods have been proposed, in order to restore the natural connectivity and the conservation of fish species. Benefits should accrue for key species: Salmo trutta fario, Cottus gobio, Thymallus thymallus, Eudontomyzon danfordi, Eudontomyzon vladykovi, Gobio uranoscopus, Barbus meridionalis, and Condrostoma nasus.
Upper Caraş River (Danube watershed) fish populations fragmentation – technical rehabilitation proposal
Abstract We propose a technical solution for fish movement based on the flow of water over a spill threshold. Such barriers are common in the Danube system. The proposed system has a range of operating components which are easily detachable from the spill threshold, are resistant to corrosion and will not harm the fish. In fact, if designed to complement swimming abilities of target fish, it should provide adequate passage for both adults and juveniles. If implemented correctly, the design may offer a solution to help displaced fish recolonize upstream habitats.
Sediments as Factor in the Fate of the Threatened Endemic Fish Species Romanichthys Valsanicola Dumitrescu, Bănărescu and Stoica, 1957 (Vâlsan River Basin, Danube Basin)
Abstract The main emphasis of this paper is on the negative effects of sedimentation on the most highly endangered fish of Europe Romanichthys valsanicola and the habitats of its main trophic resource Rhithrogena semicolorata. Some inexpensive and easy-to-implement solutions are identified and proposed (dam reservoir related recommendations for basin sediments management, forestry related recommendations for sediment basin management, basin sediments general management recommendations, riverbed ecological reconstruction approach proposal, etc.) in the paper with the same conservative purpose for Romanichthys valsanicola species in the actual situation of habitat loss and drastic regress of …
Proposal to Achieve Floodplain Connectivity in Alțâna Sector on Hârtibaciu River (Transylvania, Romania)
Abstract The process of supplying water to the new anthropogenic wetland is achieved gravitationally, and the excess water in the wetland will be directed towards the Hârtibaciu River in a similar natural way. The fish and fauna of the Hârtibaciu River have a disrupted lateral connectivity due to its banks embanking including in the proximity of the Alţâna locality. The newly proposed anthropogenic wetland would improve habitat quality for the fish species of conservation interest, Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782), and increase its population numbers. A new fish species, Chondrostoma nasus, was identified for the first time in the Hârtibaciu River.
Proposing a Technical Solution for Restoring Longitudinal Connectivity in the Brădeni/Retiş Accumulation Area on Hârtibaciu River
Abstract The fish fauna of the Hârtibaciu River has experienced a disrupted connectivity due to the hydrotechnical works and the Brădeni/Retiş Dam located across the Hârtibaciu watercourse being one of this significant obstacles. The newly proposed constructed wetlands can improve the habitat quality for the fish species of conservative interest sampled in the Brădeni/Retiş Dam proximity Rhodeus amarus, and can increase the individuals’ number of this population. Also can benefit the local populations of Phoxinus phoxinus and Gobio obtusirostris. Using gravitational force and also the underground layout, a proposed technical solution gives maximum safety regarding the water supply for the n…
Innovative On-Site Adapted System for Fish Migration with Flow Divider and Glass Collector Basin
Abstract The authors designed a new site-adapted fish passage system for upstream and downstream migration of small and large fish on the urban sector of the Bistriţa River. The longitudinal connectivity of this lotic system is interrupted by numerous transversal hydrotechnical works (weirs). This proposed system was designed to facilitate fish migration, promote fish recolonization of upstream and downstream habitats, allow the expansion of fish range, and increase spawning potential. All components of the proposed system are attached to a concrete girder located to the right stream bank, except a glass basin that is submerged in the riverbed. The positioning of the system in this girder e…
Improvement of lateral connectivity in a sector of River Hârtibaciu (Olt/Danube Basin)
Abstract The Hârtibaciu River in the Alţâna area has a disturbed lateral connectivity owing to its lateral embankments, as a result of which fish communities in this river sector are negatively influenced. The method of obtaining the water supply for a new proposed wetland is by gravitation, and any excessive water supply to the wetland will be controled and directed to the Hârtibaciu River in a natural manner. A state-of-the-art man-made wetland should increase the quality of the habitat for local fish communities, especially for the Rhodeus sericeus population, which is a species of conservation interest.