Antonella M. Colucci
An inertial system for the production of electricity and hydrogen from sea wave energy
This paper aims at describing a small scale prototype of a complete wave energy converter system for hydrogen production promoting the opportunity of installation in Sicily, in the Mediterranean Sea. The opportunity to produce hydrogen from sea-water identifies ocean wave energy as the most promising solution for electricity generation including hydrogen production and storage. Even if hydrogen is considered one of the most promising secondary sources, criticism arises from both the academic and the industrial world mainly because hydrogen production requires electricity consumption. Furthermore, safety problems concerning hydrogen storage and transport are actually the main hindrance to fu…
A innovative semi-immergible USV (SI-USV) drone for marine and lakes operations with instrumental telemetry and acoustic data acquisition capability
The proposed project shows the results obtained in the implementation and testing in lacustrine and marine environment of a nautical remote controlled vehicle with surface navigation and innovative features Semi-Immersible (SI-USV). This vehicle is based on a pending patent belonging to Palermo University (Patent Pending RM2012A000209 and RM2012A000209) concerning innovative semi-immersible vehicles (SI-Drone), that can be remotely controlled from the ground, air, satellite and sea also during the semi-immersible operation. The vehicle with electric power is coupled with a jet propulsion, given the low draft, makes it possible to navigate in shallow waters or coastal shipping or sandbars. T…
A linear generator for a waveroller power device
In this paper experimental tests on a small scale tubular linear generator to be applied to wave rollers device are presented. A reduced scale of gnerator is presented and experimental results obtained in on test bench are shown. Experimental waveforms of current and voltage are recorded. Simulation results are compared to the experimental ones in order to validate the mathematical models used.